
I hate when people don’t resign.

I block anyone who runs the clock down in a absolutely lost game. Players who play each game until they are checkmated are an almost equally lost cause. I respect the player who knows when enough is enough. Resign, be happy and move on.

Snookslayer wrote:

We ain't grandmasters.  I'd resign a lost position against someone of that level. But against patzers like myself...  I've won losing positions and lost winning one's.  No foul in playing to checkmate, especially in blitz.


However just letting the clock run out... that's bush. I usually resign (even though I'm winning) and block.  I'd rather just move on to the next game and don't care about rating.

What he said. Anything can happen, even when you're winning.


i agree. It's almost annoying to try to steal a lost game with the damn clock


Really? I don't like it when people resign, like after they lose a queen or something. It's like saying "I'll only play if I can win," which is lame. You can still learn something when you're losing. 


You know, I've watched a few winning grandmaster games end in a draw.

secretrow wrote:

Really? I don't like it when people resign, like after they lose a queen or something. It's like saying "I'll only play if I can win," which is lame. You can still learn something when you're losing. 

I agree


And yet another "resign or else posting." Cry me a river . . . meh.png

PawnofLife194 wrote:
I block anyone who runs the clock down in a absolutely lost game. Players who play each game until they are checkmated are an almost equally lost cause. I respect the player who knows when enough is enough. Resign, be happy and move on.

Running the clock down in a lost position is a form of trolling, and should be a fair-play violation..

Playing on in a hopelessly lost position until mate is valid, though. Not my style, but fair enough.

PawnofLife194 wrote:
Players who play each game until they are checkmated are an almost equally lost cause. I respect the player who knows when enough is enough. Resign, be happy and move on.

In the olden days, it was considered cowardly to resign, and only a disrespectful player would ever do so ...


When you play a game with a time control, time is as much a part of the game as material.

Do you think an F1 team could just strip everything back to the bare bones, only have fuel for 15 laps, hope to get 2 laps ahead and then everyone else would just say "Good game, you win!"? How about a marathon runner just sprints for the first 400 metres, and everyone just gives up?

If you spend 50% of your time control coming up with that perfect combination, then you'd better make it stick in the time, because, awfully sorry, there are no scores in chess other that win, lose or draw, once that flag goes up BANG you lose, even if you have queened 4 pawns and your opponent has a bishop stuck on its starting square. If you don't like the rules, just move two pieces at once in the opening, or add yourself an extra rook - how about saying that the arbiter standing in the corner of the room is technically putting your opponent in check?


The worst are those who loose a queen or other huge blunder and then leave the game alive.  I hate waiting 10 minutes to get the "win".  They get blocked.

I don't mind people who resign or make me play it out and I don't mind people using the clock, it is part of the game and conserving clock should be rewarded.

Remember wojen you blunder, opponent can blunder too. + this attitude comes from online games when your opponent can disconnect etc.
PawnofLife194 wrote:
I block anyone who runs the clock down in a absolutely lost game. Players who play each game until they are checkmated are an almost equally lost cause. I respect the player who knows when enough is enough. Resign, be happy and move on.

letting the clock run down and refusing to resign a game that YOU feel is lost are two completely different things. and i can categorically guarantee you that no one is losing any sleep over not having your 'respect.'


pick a time control you don't mind playing out... something like 3/10 is better than 10/0 for waiting out the clock.

if somebody won't resign in a lost position just treat it as an opportunity to work on your technique:  when ahead on material you should first trade all of their pieces & then queen your own pawns, while controlling any desperation attacks & avoiding perpetual check or stalemate swindles.

most importantly, treat yourself & all of your opponents with respect no matter what.  🙂



Some good advice is actually (and surprisingly for some people):

Never resign!

warrior-vik wrote:


Some good advice is actually (and surprisingly for some people):

Never resign!

What you asking me? Deal with it

warrior-vik wrote:
warrior-vik wrote:


Some good advice is actually (and surprisingly for some people):

Never resign!

What you asking me? Deal with it

One IM has a video about not resigning

Unless you are at a very high level

Uživatel warrior-vik napsal:
warrior-vik wrote:
warrior-vik wrote:


Some good advice is actually (and surprisingly for some people):

Never resign!

What you asking me? Deal with it

One IM has a video about not resigning

Unless you are at a very high level

what means high level...
what is losing game enough that your time is more important for you than the desperate attempt to draw?
it all depends on the certain person... somebody takes chess more seriously and somebody takes more seriously their time...
at someone's level is losing a piece almost sure lose of the game at someones level players are able to give each other queen many times each other for free... its different for each player...


Also.. Its not your business when or if your opponent will resign.

Only thing what i consider as toxic is just waiting to run out of your time and play a move in the last few seconds...

if its not this case you have no rights to judge other people for when or if they resign..

even if they try flag you by playing fast its just a legitimate way how to win and its your problem if you lose 


Point #1 to those sympathetic to OP: If you are playing over the board with classical time controls, you'd have a point.  But, regardless of what time controls you have here, you can open another tab on your browser and do something else.  You should get an audible sound when it is your turn to move.  

Point #2: Pick your poisons carefully.  If you don't like people trying to come back from a lost position, consider the following suggestion: 0 minutes + xx seconds for your time controls.  You won't have the situation were anyone can run down their clocks on a lost game unless they didn't waste any of your time initially so you sort of owe them some time anyways. FIDE time controls are stupid.  But this isn't FIDE.  So stop complaining and get a backbone.

Point #3: Save the game by sacrificing a piece to re-equalize.  
Point #4: If it wasn't for stalemate, my bullet rating would be under 1,000.