
i hate chess and here is why..

The more i play chess the more i realize how there is no strategy to it really anymore. Chess seems to limiting and formulaic. Memorize a bunch of plays and you can beat all beginners. Memorize a book of them and you can beat pretty much anyone. All you have to do is react from memory since all the possible moves are already out there. The chess bots are also dominating chess since they can calculate almost everything so all i have to do is to follow what they tell me is best. It might have been strategy when neither side prepared through memory, but now it feels like taking a test.. It's a "mastered" activity . There's no skill. There are only the rote moves to win. I hate that people dont have to think when they play chess anymore. Its all so automatic, so robotic... it disgusts me.

Try checkers


to virus s3, righty oh, my smart-alec friend, play 960 .


nobody plays 960 it searches for hours


i prefer 69


There is definitely alot less strategy than most players come into the game expecting , but its definitely not just a game of memory like you seem to be making it out to be.

Maybe I can help you change your opinion :-)! PM me for more info!

Play DOTA,


If anyone say this game need strategy,yes. but the great strategy is by memories and knowing the chess alghoritm... this is a common problem for every Turn Based Strategy game, thats why, human cant even beat computer. the only way to beat compiter is by real time, can by athletic/reflect movement or RTS/MOBA game.


I am pretty sure chess requires skill. 

VirusS3 wrote:
The more i play chess the more i realize how there is no strategy to it really anymore. Chess seems to limiting and formulaic. Memorize a bunch of plays and you can beat all beginners. Memorize a book of them and you can beat pretty much anyone. All you have to do is react from memory since all the possible moves are already out there. The chess bots are also dominating chess since they can calculate almost everything so all i have to do is to follow what they tell me is best. It might have been strategy when neither side prepared through memory, but now it feels like taking a test.. It's a "mastered" activity . There's no skill. There are only the rote moves to win. I hate that people dont have to think when they play chess anymore. Its all so automatic, so robotic... it disgusts me.

And Yet, you are still here.............................................

komodochess13 wrote:

I am pretty sure chess requires skill. 

Yes, and a great deal of it. The reason the OP thinks some players play by rote, is that they have learned many patterns and techniques regarding how to handle certain types of positions - such as weak squares, color weaknesses, having more space, pawn chains, outposts, doubled pawns, isolated pawns, minority attacks, half-open files, rooks on the 7th rank, etc.


They honed these techniques through years of playing, studying, learning, and even reading books (gosh, remember those things???? I digress, but it always amuses me how younger players just want to be spoon fed stuff easily by watching couple of videos. they don't really want to work, or probably more accurately, really don't know how to work hard as they have never had to do it.) 


then, when the seasoned player gets into a position that they have previously studied or played out many times, they can play fairly quickly based mainly on intuition, and stop to calculate variations only when absolutely necessary. 


the newbie imagines that this is all the result of memorizing a zillion opening variations and playing endlessly with stockfish, or komodo, or whatever engine (take your pick).


Nothing could be further from the truth. it is typically many years (not weeks or months, but years) of hard work and playing at slower time controls. 


THEN you can play really good blitz chess.  

krikorian12 wrote:

There is definitely alot less strategy than most players come into the game expecting , but its definitely not just a game of memory like you seem to be making it out to be.

I could not disagree more. This statement is absolutely false. There is way more strategy that could imagine. Clearly. 

I disagree too
And bro you are only 1200 on chess and you can get so much higher not that I am higher than that ,he he

Maybe get above 1200 before you try to make some grand statement on why it fails as a game. I rate your post 0/10 and as Dr. Zoidberg once said, “your forum post is bad and you should feel bad”.

Morphys-Revenge wrote:
krikorian12 wrote:

There is definitely alot less strategy than most players come into the game expecting , but its definitely not just a game of memory like you seem to be making it out to be.

I could not disagree more. This statement is absolutely false. There is way more strategy that could imagine. Clearly. 

Comparative to a game like go, definitely not. People with experience with other strategy games can attest to this. Chess has a great deal of tactics, but strategy definitely takes a back seat. Unless you're considering tactics and strategy to be the same. While strategy is an important part of chess, its not at the forefront. There is a reason why chess computers that simply calculate millions of moves with some basic rules to guide position evaluation can beat even the strongest human players.


@Morphys-Revenge You are just fooling yourself man.. Its all about memory. There is almost non strategy. Game Masters just pick an opening variation and play until whoever is going to stop playing from memory first. Its all super artificial and bland now. I play all kinds of strategy games. They only reason i still play chess from time to time is cuz of nostalgia and because i invested too much time in the past as a kid. It brakes my heart to say it but its the truth.


chess is about recognizing patterns. one pattern creates another. so then it is about memory too. if you can visualize it in your mind and can go deeper from one pattern to another you will finally find a profitable trade or a position to end with.

once you are up enough material you can use another end game patterns to finish your opponents counterplay options. and you win.

So go away.