
Humorous Commercial on Fischer-Spassky from 1972?


Does anyone here remember the funny commercial from around 1972 on the Fischer Spassky match? I remember Spassky saying something like "beanie sneaky";  I can't find anything on youtube.


The only thing I could find on YouTube was a commercial in which a cow defeats Viktor Korchnoi at chess.


Ok thanks.  I definitely remember a commercial playing on the hijinks.  


Sorry to revive this thread, but I too know this commercial and have been searching for it! No one happened to ever find it on the internet, did they? I've searched for it quite a bit and have only been able to find a few references to it, but never the video itself. Thanks!


The actor playing Spassky was definitely saying something Russian or Russian-esque ending with the word sneaky. Pretty sure it may have been a Brut Cologne commercial also if that helps...


Yes, I don't have a perfect memory but good enough to be able to reconstruct most of the details of the commercial.  Maybe someone was getting out of a phone booth using a Russianesque phrase like beanie shneaky, with an angry expression on his face.  Too bad it isn't on youtube.


Are you perhaps confusing it with the Connect 4 commercial from that time period?  The one that ends with the boy saying, "Pretty sneaky, sis."


No, it was like a 30 second commercial playing on the Fischer Spassky conflict with Spassky played by a Russianesque character. 


I don't know.  He doesn't look Russian:



That certainly wasn't it.


ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

Yes, Fischer would never have fallen for that diagonal thing!

That was the Spassky character.  He said shneaky.


Plus he won Game One.


The Opera Game


Not it; if you looked at commercials from 1973 with a Fischer Spassky Russian theme, someone coming out of a phone booth with an angry expression (the Russian).  


Curiously enough, my brothers (both waaay better players than me) have a "family word" that came out of this commercial. "Our" word was...BOR-zhnee-schnee-kee. I can't tell you what it means, or they'd kill me.  Nevertheless, we would love to find the original commercial, as well.




OK, OK. No need to get nasty. It means..."curiously interesting" IIRC, the Russian type in the commercial observes the Bobby type character make a move. He strokes his chin (I think), and furrows his brow (I think) and remarks, "BOR-zhnee-schnee-kee."  Well, that is our family memory of what he says. Astromaster007 remembers what he says as, ""beanie sneaky."


At any rate, I would seriously like to know what the commercial was. And seriously, some time before I depart this mortal coil.






I was 11 years old at the time, took an interest in the match and for some reason remember the commercial well. As is common, or was common for many years, a chess scene in film resulted in checkmate within three moves. This one sets a new standard of unlikelihood, as the world champion overlooks a mate in 1.


Fischer and Spassky are engrossed in a game.

Spassky (sniffing the air): What is that good smell?

Fischer: It's called Brut.

Spassky: Brut. Ah. (Then he smiles and captures a piece, evidently thinking he's winning.)

Fischer (makes his move): Checkmate.

Spassky (in a combination of Russian and English): Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah very sneaky.



I've been looking for this advertisement for years. It definitely was a Brut cologne commercial. I liked it so much I memorized the phrase and still use it whenever I see something extraordinarily clever or humorously devious. I dunno if they are truly Russian 'words' or just gibberish but 'Spassky' says, 

"Brut yaspapudini sneaky." (that's phonetic of course)



I saw the Brut commercial too. Only once. I also have failed to find it. Even Bill Wall, who is famous for keeping track of this kind of stuff, shows no mention of it.

Bill Wall's Chess Page (

It must be gone. Most likely scenario: Fischer saw the commercial and went ballistic, had it destroyed. I search for evidence of a lawsuit and found nothing