
how to handle aggressive pawn pushers in the opening? looking for tips and strategies!


aggressive pawn pushers in the opening are so annoying, and I often find myself in a tough position when trying to find safer squares for my pieces to develop.


Play as principled as possible:

  1. Rapid development of pieces, especially towards the center
  2. Control of the center of the board
  3. King safety (castling in time)
  4. Harmonious placement of pieces that work together
  5. Avoiding unnecessary pawn weaknesses
  6. Strategic thinking with short-term plans (1-3 moves)
  7. Patiently building an advantage instead of rushing into attacks

But don't be too rigid about it and punish a bad move if you feel you can survive the complications. 


Show some game, discussing without moves is barely worth anything.

 borovicka75 wrote:

Show some game, discussing without moves is barely worth anything.

this was the game, yep!


You missed a tactical plan on move 3

prashantsrikanth wrote:

You missed a tactical plan on move 3

pawn to d4?

SlothAtTopSpeed escribió:

Play as principled as possible:

  1. Rapid development of pieces, especially towards the center
  2. Control of the center of the board
  3. King safety (castling in time)
  4. Harmonious placement of pieces that work together
  5. Avoiding unnecessary pawn weaknesses
  6. Strategic thinking with short-term plans (1-3 moves)
  7. Patiently building an advantage instead of rushing into attacks

But don't be too rigid about it and punish a bad move if you feel you can survive the complications.

full, control of the center ufff

ashlyynn06 escribió:
prashantsrikanth wrote:

You missed a tactical plan on move 3

pawn to d4?

e4 ?

tornado00l wrote:
ashlyynn06 escribió:
prashantsrikanth wrote:

You missed a tactical plan on move 3

pawn to d4?

e4 ?

that was move 1 alr

However, the move that you actually played instead (3. Bc4) is perfectly good and also leads to an advantage for White.
damn, that was really cool, thank you so much for your time!!!

Refutation 3.Nxe5! Shown by Blueemu was discovered in early 1500´s by Portugese master Pedro Damiano de Odemira. He called move 2…f6? as”Gambit ba#tardo”


3.Nxe5 is best yes, but it was still very good without that. On move 6 I didn’t like Be2, I prefer 6.Bb3 where it’s more active. If they then continue the same pawn pushing way with …a5 (or even if they don’t)you strike at their overextended pawns with the thematic 7. a4!

Considring whites better development, centre, piece placement, the fact Black can’t easily castle etc this position is completely winning for white.

Even with 6.Be2 as played, the right move next was still a2-a4 but their play was so bad that even the way you played it (which wasn’t too bad initially) sufficed for a clear opening edge.


As written above, your move 3.Bc4 also lead to big advantage. But you should play 6.Bb3 because main disadvantage of move f6 is that if white bishop is on a2-g8 diagonal, black simply cannot castle.For same reason, you shoul play a4 on next move, for example 7…a6? 8.axb5 cxb5 9.Bxb5+! Axb5?? 10. Rxa8. 9.Bxe7? Is serious strategical mistake because you exchange your best piece and force black to develop himself. And by 13.Qxb7? You throw away rest of your advantage because if black king is so exposed by moving all black pawns you should definitely left your queen on the board.


Ha! Someone was faster but agrees with me!


Don’t rush to challenge the pawns immediately; instead, focus on sound development and piece activity.