
How to get unlimited analysis without paying.


I've just realized you can go to the next-to-last move of your game, click "Finish with computer" and backpedal through the game from there. The computer will rate your moves without counting this as your daily free analysis.


join my chess group and ll look over them with my membership whle screen shariing and you can watch through discord happy.png

[Link removed - DB]


Thats a good question



Ditch the engine 


where do you see a finish with computer button?

lildasx wrote:

I've just realized you can go to the next-to-last move of your game, click "Finish with computer" and backpedal through the game from there. The computer will rate your moves without counting this as your daily free analysis.


lildasx wrote:

I've just realized you can go to the next-to-last move of your game, click "Finish with computer" and backpedal through the game from there. The computer will rate your moves without counting this as your daily free analysis.

But this way the engine doesn't show all the blunders, mistakes or brilliant move ect.

Baikalrd wrote:
lildasx wrote:

I've just realized you can go to the next-to-last move of your game, click "Finish with computer" and backpedal through the game from there. The computer will rate your moves without counting this as your daily free analysis.

But this way the engine doesn't show all the blunders, mistakes or brilliant move ect.

yes, you get unlimted free analysis just not game review.


yeah whereis that button?



korotky_trinity wrote:
lildasx wrote:

I've just realized you can go to the next-to-last move of your game, click "Finish with computer" and backpedal through the game from there. The computer will rate your moves without counting this as your daily free analysis.


yes but with the rating u can figure which move was bad or bad happy.png i think so



Go to analysis, upload a game from your archive, and hit "Review". This will not count for your game review and you can do it unlimited times as long as you haven't used your review for the day already.


If a mod sees thiss and reports it it will be so sad


Yeah I was thinking about that.

AlligatorChomps wrote:

I have never found the Game Review section to be that helpful. Can you also find games in a database on this site? On Lichess I was able to pull up a Fishbein, Giri, and Carlsen game from the WCC round 1 match from today, among others. I don't see how to do that on other than going to the masters games.

You can click "Load from explorer" and search people up to find their games.


After your game review splash screen shows up close it and open the options menu. There's a bunch of stuff in there. Explore the site, there are hidden goodies everywhere. These aren't rigorous analyses. You have to get a membership to get a better analysis.


Does anyone know how to get unlimited game if you've already used the daily free one?

sachimsingh wrote:

Does anyone know how to get unlimited game if you've already used the daily free one?

I think you have to wait until the next day. I recommend using your one game review late in the day so you can use the unlimited game review before.


Ok Thank You


Who cares? Where can I get a sandwich without paying for it?