How to Create Chess Puzzle Question
Ches es una estafa Como voy de los primeros sin pagar me quitan tiempo he hecho un montón de capturas de pantalla yo siendo mucho más rápido que que cualquier jugador contra mí y al final siempre me quitan tiempo y al jugador no le quitan tiempo se es es una estafa unos tramposos
1. ..Bd7? is a blunder. After 1. ..Nbd7 (king moves are even better) 2. Bxd7 Bxd7 black avoids losing a piece though white keeps the upper hand!
Hey nice puzzle people is there any way to make a puzzle and have it be added into puzzle rush or something like that?
You press the board icon in the comment box (all the way to the left)
You press the third option (create puzzle) and press next.
You press start with an empty/blank board
You set up the position where the puzzle will start
You enter the solution
You put the finishing touches on by following the instructions
When you finish, a board icon will appear in the comment box
You post the comment, and you are done!
You missed out the hardest step:
Think of a puzzle.