For me to answer this question however I will need to know you lichess rating so please tell me if you have a lichess rating!
Thank you for spending time on this.
note: I will tell the score after sometime or may not if no one volunteer.
- @thinhdoduy
my lichess bullet rating is 2400 but is 2200
if rapid that lichess is 1922 and 1850
blitz is same
A 1500 elo blitz player on lichess is about 750-800 elo on
I dont think its directly a 1:1 thing, I know people with wildly different ratings on both sites and I know people with around the same. Personally, I have been playing on both apps for like 4 years and my rating is around 2000 on both.
My ratings on Lichess are way higher than
For me to answer this question however I will need to know you lichess rating so please tell me if you have a lichess rating!
Thank you for spending time on this.
note: I will tell the score after sometime or may not if no one volunteer.
- @thinhdoduy