How is my progress compared to titled players?
you could beat a general manager (gm) 1/200 games and you could beat a improvement manager (im) 1/100 games and you might be at the level of a funimation manager (fm) if thats what you mean by titles
you could beat a general manager (gm) 1/200 games and you could beat a improvement manager (im) 1/100 games and you might be at the level of a funimation manager (fm) if thats what you mean by titles
Hey, so i started chess about 6 months ago at 677 rapid and I'm currently at 1600 rapid (checkout my profile if you want). I'm just curious how good my progress is compare to club players or titled players. I'm currently 1698 FIDE classical and only 1226 national since i played the national tournament when i was 1300 rapid. I've played about 20 classical rated games across FIDE and ACF, and about 1300 rapid games including other websites Aswell. So how is my progress? disclamer: i dont think im better than titled players, but i would like to set a goal for myself, thanks!