
Help to improve

I'm currently just stuck at 1200 rapid rating, I did a lot of lessons and studied endgames tactics and such and I have a few openings I always use, idk how to improve can someone help me please.

Eat your vegetables, hydrate, and get a good night's sleep.


I do that...


Cmon I need real help


Meditate and do yoga

H3HEGD do you have any friends that are above you? Maybe playing with a few of them just learning what they do might help

I sadly don't, there's not even a chess club at my school so few people play chess there


I looked at some games.

It's common that you're not following the opening principles very well. In very few games do you place and maintain a pawn in the center, and castle. You're doing the common beginner tactic of developing 2-3 pieces and attacking right away. Obviously your results are better than a beginner, but your approach is beinner-ish.

You're also overly aggressive. I see in some games you make 1 move threats and hope your opponent doesn't see it... and maybe half the time they don't see it, so you instantly win a queen for no reason. Unfortunately your opponents are rewarding this, but it's not a good habit. Pretend they will see your threat and defend against it... do you still like your move if that happens? If so, then it's fine to play the threat.

In this game on move 26 you're ahead one bishop.

You make some aggressive moves, hoping your opponent lets you win in 1 move, and when that doesn't happen you quickly lose your bishop. Attacking the king isn't such a bad idea here (26...Rf2 with the idea Rxg2 Bf3) but you can also calmly win some pawns (26...Rf5 immediately wins a pawn). Targeting weak pawns is a common way to win, you don't always have to target the king.

Anyway, a good threat does more than one thing, that way even if the opponent sees the threat it's still a good move. The most common type of good threat is when your increase a piece's mobility and make a threat at the same time.

In games where you get the initiative and a big attack you do very well. You try to attack with many pieces, you try to open lines quickly. But in games where an attack isn't justified you end up misplacing your pieces. The way an attack is justified is you have more non-pawns on that side of the board, more advanced pawns (cramping your opponent), or ideally both of those things.

For example in this game you win with a big attack

Notice on move 15 your opponent only has one non-pawn on the kingside (the f1 rook) and you have pawns across the mid line on that side. That indicates a big attack on the king is a good idea.


In summary, you're good at making threats and attacking, but you tend to do it too quickly (before development is complete in the opening) and in some positions attacking is not a good idea. Pretend your opponent sees your threat, do you still like your move? If the threatening piece is mobile, on a defended square, and can't easily be chased away then it's probably a good threat.

If you have more attackers on one side of the board and more advanced pawns then that indicates an attack is justified. When an attack on the king isn't called for, then focus on pressuring weak pawns (isolated or backward pawns, or pawns still on their starting square). These pawns are common targets because they can't be defended by a friendly pawn.


Learn and apply the most important principles of chess.
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.


[Event "Robertrenzo vs sunilsnr"] [Site ""] [Date "2024-07-04"] [White "Robertrenzo"] [Black "sunilsnr"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "663"] [BlackElo "680"] [TimeControl "600"] [Termination "sunilsnr won by resignation"] 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. Nf3 Nxe4 4. O-O d6 5. d3 Nc5 6. Ng5 Be6 7. Nxe6 Nxe6 8. Nc3 Nc6 9. Be3 Qd7 10. Nd5 O-O-O 11. Nf4 exf4 0-1


The above game I just played I want expert to suggest the mistakes