
Hans Niemann vs The World


I think I finally have to get this off my chest, Hans Niemann is a talented young player from the United States that is being actively blacklisted and denied opportunities from the Saint Louis Chess Club, and the letter they published is absolutely awfully displeasing to read, accusing the young player of things that are objectively false!

Hans Niemann has reached out to the Saint Louis Chess Club repeatdly to have a cordial discussion with his bullies, that instead of focusing more important issues like dealing with the rampant predator issue entrenched in their club culture, has decided to take it upon themselves to ruin Hans Niemann's auspicious career by ignoring his letters, emails and messages sent to their management regarding him being invited to future tournaments.

Their other reason for blacklisting hans is equally as baffling as the last one, apparantly he did not suceed to "fulfill contractual obligations" when in reality this was an isolated incident when after a dissapointing draw he refused to give an interview. It is funny how when Hans Niemann does do, as he always does the interviews they always gain traction to the event he is playing in for the Saint Louis Club's benefit.

PS: The time where he in a fit of rage damaged a tv remote at the Chase hotel he graciously paid a heavy fine and wrote an overly-sufficient apology to the hotel staff and it shouldn't even be counted as a reason for his exclusion.


this is gonna turn into the argument "if he really cheated or not.." It was never proven but chess speaks for itself.. right?

dude has some evil eyes, and can do 'anything' to satisfy. I don't like him at all, not even a bit.

he against the world? pfft

Eh. He is mentally ill, but everyone should stop piling on him.
brmk91 wrote:

this is gonna turn into the argument "if he really cheated or not.." It was never proven but chess speaks for itself.. right?

dude has some evil eyes, and can do 'anything' to satisfy. I don't like him at all, not even a bit.

he against the world? pfft

The last time he cheated was 8 years ago but I'm not even going to go into that


Another message from the "Leave Britney Alone" guy.....


I thought this was funny from one of Hans videos.

Here's another one.

LeraiOg wrote:

they published is absolutely awfully displeasing to read, accusing the young player of things that are objectively false!

He already admitted to them... yeah it was right after denying them, but he did admit.

Same with the cheating, heh.

LeraiOg wrote:

Their other reason for blacklisting hans is equally as baffling as the last one

Name a single quality that Niemann possesses that makes him a more attractive invite than any other similarly-rated player.

DreamscapeHorizons wrote:

I thought this was funny from one of Hans videos.

Here's another one.

I think this sums Hans up pretty well lol


I don't know him personally, but anyone can have a psychotic crisis, it must be treated, now those who know him think there is no cure, I'm not a psychiatrist, everything has a solution, ending a chess player's career is very aggravating, now I want to be the best in the world It's not that easy, content with the title of GM participate in international interview events, this all needs advice contracts are contracts, I'm going against the world, save general common sense.

Ernilton_Ferraz wrote:

I don't know him personally, but anyone can have a psychotic crisis, it must be treated, now those who know him think there is no cure, I'm not a psychiatrist, everything has a solution, ending a chess player's career is very aggravating, now I want to be the best in the world It's not that easy, content with the title of GM participate in international interview events, this all needs advice contracts are contracts, I'm going against the world, save general common sense.

First of all, he's 20 years old and #53 in the world... players don't improve much after 20. He's never going to be a top GM, and that's just how it is.

Secondly, his career isn't over. St Louis aren't the only people running invite-only tournaments, and they didn't even permanently ban him.

Third, the best way to respond to the 1 year ban was extremely easy. You could say "understandable, have a nice day" or just don't say anything at all. Super easy. Instead he proved them right. They say he's hard to work with, and his immediate response is childish outrage.


Hans 'Rick James' Niemann.


I agree that it doesn't look like he will ever become WC, however, I've read somewhere before that players don't tend to peak until around age 29. If that is so and he puts the work into it then it is conceivable he could possibly become significantly better than he is.

UnsidesteppableChess wrote:

I agree that it doesn't look like he will ever become WC, however, I've read somewhere before that players don't tend to peak until around age 29. If that is so and he puts the work into it then it is conceivable he could possibly become significantly better than he is.

These days players start to decline around 30, yeah... but their rating peaks much-much earlier, in their late teens / early 20s.

(In the past those dates were shifted a little more towards being older, but these days kids start younger, play more, and experience matters less due to engines existing)

llama_l wrote:

I think this sums Hans up pretty well lol

More from the RJ collection

llama_l wrote:
LeraiOg wrote:

Their other reason for blacklisting hans is equally as baffling as the last one

Name a single quality that Niemann possesses that makes him a more attractive invite than any other similarly-rated player.

He's a young aspiring player that has just recently won the prestigious Tournament of Peace, and not only that, he brings traction to all the events he plays in bringing more people to chess.

LeraiOg wrote:
llama_l wrote:
LeraiOg wrote:

Their other reason for blacklisting hans is equally as baffling as the last one

Name a single quality that Niemann possesses that makes him a more attractive invite than any other similarly-rated player.

He's a young aspiring player that has just recently won the prestigious Tournament of Peace, and not only that, he brings traction to all the events he plays in bringing more people to chess.

There are younger players who are higher rated. I'm not saying they can't invite an older and weaker player like Niemann. I'm saying these are the people he has to compete against for invites: players who are under 20 and over 2700.

The tournament of peace was not an elite tournament. Half of the players were rated below 2600, and no one was rated 2700 or higher.

LeraiOg wrote:
llama_l wrote:
LeraiOg wrote:

Their other reason for blacklisting hans is equally as baffling as the last one

Name a single quality that Niemann possesses that makes him a more attractive invite than any other similarly-rated player.

He's a young aspiring player that has just recently won the prestigious Tournament of Peace, and not only that, he brings traction to all the events he plays in bringing more people to chess.

I watched his streams, he is more salty rather than being attractive. he is nervous and trying to prove himself

LeraiOg wrote:

he brings traction to all the events he plays in bringing more people to chess.

Yeah, he creates publicity, and even though it's negative attention, it's still useful to generate money.

That's definitely something organizers can take into account.


This is so unprofessional of St. Louis Chess club. I marvel at their pettiness.