
Great game agains turtle opening !!!


I study with the engine yesterday and today how to get avantage with the turtle opening and come up with a strategy to push the H pawn down my opponent troat. I think its pretty good for begginer like me who dont like slow pace game and are more aggresive !

I just made a very nice game applying this strategy and I am so happy about this game. Check it out!


How to attack with white when black do turtle wimp opening


ho right its a little bit the same ok

I have no idea why do you think that this opening is called turtle, but it was ridiculous how yoy were rook up and literally didńt move it at all but still won because white put zero resistance.

I study hard and make a 96% game accuracy. My opening was great. Dont know what ya talking about.

I call this turtle opening but ya know what I mean... dont ya?

Opening is called Larsen opening and yes, march of the h-pawn is good plan. Remenber how Spassky masacred Larsen in 17 moves in same opening by march of h-pawn. ( match Soviet union vs Rest of the world 1970)
Spassky found the plan 50 years before Alpha zero. Probably good chess player.

Good for him! Howerver Bobby fisher mop the floor with spassky

Yes, your opening prep was excellent, no doubt about it. I was talking about you being up a rook and dońt use it, it was weird.

Maybe I could have play better. I saw a tactic that I missed. But I was so happy when I saw my accuracy. I was extremly happy! I was hoping to apply that strategy. I also study how to counter fried liver attack. I already know to push the d pawn but Now I know up to 10 move on almost all line of this fried liver attack. I feel am getting better.

I will never be even half good as ya but am having load of fun.