
Fake Accept Decline offer.


Hello community, I often get fake Accept / Decline offer in the bottom chat box, in the beginning I would hit accept only to see it disappear and the player say something smart like "oh well" as it always comes when Im getting whooped.  They are not only trolling they then say something smart.  Once I figured out what they were doing, mostly when I seen a real accept decline offer coupled with the trolls behavior I started to ignore it.  But is gets tiresome so much so I want to retaliate with words.  This will only get me in trouble.  But they are punks regardless. I always tell my opponent good game when they beat me, but not once have I been told good game when I win.  Yes, separate issue...  I dont see that there is any evidence of these trolls and their fake offer when they are winning.  LMK please.  Its getting really hard to not fly to India and meet face to face.  For a cup of coffee.  


i feel you gng


It seems as if you, for some reason, have not turned off chat yet. What are you waiting for? Are you a masochist? Why are you inviting verbal abuse?

bobby_max wrote:

It seems as if you, for some reason, have not turned off chat yet. What are you waiting for? Are you a masochist? Why are you inviting verbal abuse?

It seems you have no clue how to look if my chat is off. It's been off since the day I posted this. 
But, other than the incorrect criticism + presumption + inappropriate personal question, do you have any info regarding this false offer? As I stated there does not appear to be any way for me to present evidence. If I hit the accept, does a virus come on to my computer? Has this happened to anyone else? Otherwise, journey well.

TheBatsnemesis wrote: ... As I stated there does not appear to be any way for me to present evidence...


blueemu wrote:
TheBatsnemesis wrote: ... As I stated there does not appear to be any way for me to present evidence...


I would have to turn chat back on and hope I get another one? I dont think review of games shows what's in chat.