i doesn't matter cause i am 1200 in rapid yet 4200 in puzzles
Estimated Elo of a player vs puzzle rating?
I've gone to 2200 in a couple of days here, and lichess 2400 took a few weeks. But here I can solve even the harder ones at my level in a couple of minutes and getting to 2200 was easy. Lichess ones are seriously hard, getting to 2400 was really tough. Like some puzzles took 20 minutes to solve.
Ikr, I'm under rapid 500. My puzzle rating high score is 1800. I will deff hit 2000 soon. It's very easy. I'm just bad at playing chess. I really thing solving tactics does jack nothing for your game. It's more of a novelty.
I’m ~1000 rapid and on the fence of 2900 in puzzles and with the free diamond membership I think I can make it
i doesn't matter cause i am 1200 in rapid yet 4200 in puzzles
yeah same with me 1700 rapid but 4300 puzzles
Im 850-900 in blitz and Rapid and 2400 in puzzles. I love puzzles but i dont have as much fun in the matches as i do in the puzzles, maybe because i dont know the opening
My rating is only about 630 in blitz, 680 in bullet and 720 in rapid (which i don't play a lot so...). My puzzles rating is nearing 2000, and BTW my best puzzle rush score is 26 in 3 min.
I think 3 things are important - at least that's how I do it. Started playing chess about 2.5 months ago. Solved nearly 10k puzzles current rating 2300. Playing rapid only 30 minutes as I need more time to think and currently at 1160. Doing a mix of puzzles + games all the time. Also playing mainly only 2 openings: Catalan (or similar) with white and King's Indian with black (due to obvious similarities) - I think it is important to master one opening first. And recently I started applying my puzzle knowledge into games - managed to apply particularly in the below 2 games (especially the first one is a classic puzzle - mate in 5). The 2nd one was a crazy game I was definitely losing but at the end managed to pull a puzzle-mate
1200 rapid 2600 puzzles. Since my internet disconnects too often, I avoid playing rated rapid, and I don't really progress.
the 1525 is your puzzle rating, and the 1260 is the rating at which a person should be able to solve the puzzle in the target time, eg. 0:19. i hope this helped
3320 puzzles, 1750 rapid