
does chess make you lose weight?

Strong players say you need to eat well before a chess game to keep up energy. chess uses a lot of calories 2 hours of chess is better than 2 hours at the gym?

Only at the highest levels. Grandmasters lose weight while playing because they are under immense stress.


It burns a lot of calories because of the amount of thinking required


Two hours of chess is not a replacement for two hours at the gym when it comes to calorie burn and cardiovascular health.


Competitive chess is an anxiety inducing activity, ,that's for sure. Very unhealthy.

It’s cause they are all juiced up. Even Ivanchuk had to give a urine sample at an event to test for banned sports drugs.

Sitting is supposedly the new smoking, so perhaps a standing desk, or even a treadmill with a standing desk so that you can play without being too sedentary.


Chess does burn calories, especially at the top levels where players are under intense mental stress, but it's definitely not the same as hitting the gym for a workout. While your brain is working hard during a chess match, your body isn’t getting the same physical benefits you’d get from exercising.
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