
Does anyone know where can I make my own chess bot?

Can you please recommend a website/App Store Application?
Please, anyone?


Normal answer please????



Creating your own chess bot is definitely possible and can be an incredibly rewarding experience. To get started, you’ll need a few things: some basic programming skills, a good understanding of chess, and some knowledge of algorithms.

First, if you’re new to programming, you might want to start by learning a language like Python. Python is popular for this kind of project because it’s relatively easy to learn and has great libraries for chess, like Python-Chess. If you’re already comfortable with programming, you might also consider languages like Java or C++, which are also widely used in chess programming.

Understanding chess rules and strategies is also crucial. You’ll need to know not just how each piece moves, but also special rules like castling and en passant, as well as how to handle check, checkmate, and stalemate situations.

Once you have a good grasp of the basics, you’ll start by implementing the game logic. This involves programming the moves of each piece and managing the state of the game. The real challenge and fun begin when you start working on the decision-making part of the bot.

To make decisions, your bot will need to use search algorithms. The Minimax algorithm is a common starting point. It works by simulating all possible moves and counter-moves to find the best possible move. To make this process faster and more efficient, you can use a technique called Alpha-Beta Pruning, which helps the bot avoid evaluating moves that won’t be beneficial.

You'll also need a way to evaluate the strength of a given position on the board. This is where a scoring system or evaluation function comes into play, which typically considers material count (like the number of pieces) and positional advantages (like control of the center). Advanced bots might use machine learning and neural networks to improve these evaluations further.

Adding a user interface can make your bot more interactive. You can either develop a graphical user interface (GUI) yourself or integrate your bot with online chess platforms like Lichess or, which provide APIs to connect external programs.

Creating a chess bot is a continuous learning process. You’ll find that there’s always room for improvement, whether it's optimizing algorithms, exploring deeper search trees, or incorporating advanced techniques like machine learning. Plus, there’s a vibrant community of chess programmers out there who share their knowledge and experiences, making it easier to get help and stay motivated.

So, while making your own chess bot requires effort and dedication, it’s entirely doable and a fantastic way to deepen your programming skills and understanding of artificial intelligence. If you ever decide to make your own Chess Bot, i would be more than Honored to try it out and give you Feedback.

Have fun on



An AI answer is always worse than no answer.

This is particularly dumb text by good ol' ChatGPT.


Can anybody kindly recommend any links to start coding, if you would mind?