
Do people from Israel and Iran play here


I know sometimes there are boycotts going out there but I was just wondering if people from some countries just abort the game when someone from Israel is the random opponent.

Let's keep it civil tongue.png


How would you know where your opponent is from? You can pick whatever flag you want, and there are plenty of unimaginative trolls that deliberately pick a flag from some country that will push the opponent's buttons... if playing an American, pick a North Korean or Iranian flag; if playing an Arab, pick an Israeli flag; if playing a Canadian, pick a Danish flag; etc.


Sure but Im sure most people pick the right flag. I just want to know if some Israelis here notice Iranian or Saudis aborting games with them often or vice versa.


I've played people with flags from both countries.


Do you a pick a flag based on where u were born or were you live now?


AndresRojas85 wrote:

I know sometimes there are boycotts going out there but I was just wondering if people from some countries just abort the game when someone from Israel is the random opponent.

Let's keep it civil

Civil war is civil. 


I think what the OP wants to know is whether people on, when they see their opponent is from (or has the flag of) an enemy country (USA vs Iran or Israel vs Arab Nations, or India vs Pakistan etc.), do they play the match or abort the game?


I think you will find that chess is a game of the civilised and aborting games in such a scenario would be rare.


Game is aborted by the other side ( iran, egypt, qatar... and most arab countries ) about 20%, curses like 2%. Rest are normal friendly games of chess.

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

Wow, Canadians vs Danes.

Hans Island. The Canadian version of a border conflict. It's a worthless one-square-kilometer rock out in the ass end of nowhere, but the Canada - Denmark border passes RIGHT over it.

Naturally, nobody cares one way or the other, in Canada or in Denmark... I included it in the list as a joke.

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

Btw is that anything like that place cabby is from: Miquelon something-something? He claims it still belongs to France!

St Pierre et Miquelon! A group of islands with a storied history!

Originally named "The Eleven Thousand Virgins" by a drunken Portugese ship's captain in 1520. Not sure what he was drinking. Everyone agreed that it was a terrible name, and nobody wanted to live there. By 1670, the population of the islands was up to a booming four people. By the 1700s it was back down to zero. Ceded to Britain in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. Britain then remembered that they didn't want them, and when France lost the next war in 1763, as part of the peace treaty they had to take the islands back (true story!). They changed hands back-and-forth several times during the Napoleonic wars, but when Napoleon lost decisively in 1815 (after Waterloo), he had to take them back for good. They still remain an albatross around France's neck, to this very day.


Usually it won't be an issue and we will have a friendly game. but sometimes you encounter an opponent from an Arab country that has issues playing with Israelis.

CleverOak wrote:

Do you a pick a flag based on where u were born or were you live now?

The bunny lets choose.   Actually here we have a separate passport for just travelling to Israel. 

The next time the bunny will create a new account on an airline web terminal when passing through an Arab nation,  and play exclusively with Israelites just to even the score. 


I get harassed quite a bit by Arab players both in Arab countries but surprisingly more from Arab players with European flags. I also get a fair amount of aborts. That being said I've played and have friends from lots  of countries that are very belligerent towards us....including Iran. I find it very heartwarming when I get an Iranian and we play a game together....


I won't play with russians as I have morals and when I have by mistake they send me pictures of exploding bombs along with other troll messages .


Honestly, I don't notice the flags of most opponents. They're fairly tiny, especially on mobile devices, and I don't recognize 80% of them to be honest.

(The only time it seems mildly relevant is for daily/correspondence games, when I try to make moves during the times that our waking periods overlap. For example, I'm in the U.S., so my mornings and afternoons overlap with most of Europe's afternoons and evenings. With opponents in much of Asia, I only overlap first thing in the morning and certain periods just before I sleep. And so on.)

I'm also aware that anyone can choose any flag they want.


I've played against both nationalities (haven't had much luck in winning vs. either one but I'll always accept games from them)...


Hey, that might be a good idea for a forum topic----one's winning (and losing) percentage against certain flags...anybody??


I'm from Israel and there are many more game cancellations than before the war, people need to differentiate between politics and the game, because I and the person who canceled killed him Number of Palestinians = 0

Usually the game gets aborted. If not, I usually get a message in Arabic cursing my mother. Very few times thought I did play a full game and then we shake hands emoji. That’s a nice feeling
GabeMiami10 wrote:

completely agree with you mate. but this threads about to get locked anyways

This thread survived more than 5 years. "About to get locked" is a bit optimistic.