
Dino nuggets problem with cheeta man


(This some one is banned Who was cheta)If some one were to insult me for being a member and saying im stupid would it still be okay to insult them by calling them poor and is calling some one poor considered a insult its possible to say nice things insultingly. Could I get in trouble for that more or less what im asking and whats the gray line of "sht talking" or nicely insulting some one if some one were to insult me and i were to give them a lethal dose of a unbiases backhanded complement talking back that had nothing to do with race gender country nation not to insult them based of some dumb pre bias of race nan ect but to purely insult them in a nice manner like hey your wife is hot but not for long ect Id like finish my statement by condemning lil Midget man with a hot wife who is old extravagant car that's broke and little short of a dino nugget sincerely TJslick420




context: the original was to call them poor for not having premium or something


Pre context he was cheta who was insulting me for having a membership before the first pawn was moved