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Crazyhouse game analysis?
yeah, this wasn't a very good game, but here's what i think
(and i care about crazyhouse, and so do a lot of ppl, bc it's a v fun game! even better than real chess for some ppl)
11.g3 was a huge mistake... generally in crazyhouse kings get in trouble a lot more than usual, bc the opponent has so many attacking resources, which are stronger than defending resources, bc often checks can't be blocked... you almost never ever want to move up the pawns in front of ur king in crazyhouse, unless it's to like prevent checkmate or something rly rly important, bc it's often a terrible idea
when u move pawns in crazyhouse, it's important to know that ur making empty squares that the opponent can exploit, so while u can play like e4, d4, without worrying, u should be rly careful about doing moves like g3, h3, etc, and especially moving ur f pawn.
and also, instead of 11.g3, u should've done N@h3, winning the bishop! so u need to be aware of tactics as well.
but in response, ur opponent played badly, letting u trade queens, and then even letting Bxf7+ which was easily winning for u, but u could've played it sooner.. u missed 13.Bxf7+, and if he takes, u win his queen and checkmate pretty fast, or else if not u take his queen and checkmate anyways!
14.rg1 was also a mistake, since u let him get some checks and initiative in (which i don't think gives him anything), but also missed Bxf7+, which is a win... he has no defense, and u have 2 knigths and a queen to drop, which is really really deadly. I haven't even calculated anything, but it's definitely winning, trust me lol. But yeah, Rg1 is just not good, bc first of all, u have to calculate what he did in the game, and instead of 16...Bf1, which loses immediately, he could've done stuff like 16...Rxh2+, 16...Qxg2+ and then either 17...Bh3+ or 17...Bf3+, or even 16...Qd1+ and u have to check all of those things to make sure u don't lose immediately!
so, a good rule in crazyhouse is:
*always think aggressively and try to take the initiative, because if it's easier to attack then defend in chess, it's much much much easier to attack than defend in crazyhouse!
also, even if ur opponent can block, u can capture and drop the pieces again (your choice), so oftentimes the opponent can't stop ur attack, and he has to worry about things!
if u did this, ur opponent would have no chance!
and another rule is:
*tactics are literally 99% of everything in crazyhouse.. u should focus a lot on tactical shots, bc the dropping of pieces changes everything
and another rule is:
*try not to make a lot of weaknesses by moving pawns forward, bc then ur opponent can drop his pieces where they're the strongest, in ur territory (although there are a lot of exceptions to this)
And in crazyhouse, the material is a little bit weirdd
but it's someting like this: (average material points)
pawn = 1
knight = 2
bishop = 2
queen = 4
rook = 2.5
however, one thing is that in crazyhouse, the value of the pieces vary much much more than in a real game. For example, in a real game, most of the time a rook is better than a knight, bc exchange sacs aren't that common. but in crazyhouse, very often a knight is much better than rook! and a pawn is often much better than a knight! and it's just very unpredictable
so another rule is:
*don't rely on pure material value, but instead see which pieces are important when making trades and stuff
so i hope this helps!!
also, u seem like a decent player, and in a normal game, u probably wouldn't have missed all these easy tactics (in crazyhouse i think these are pretty easy), like N@h3, but it's cuz ur not thinking like u should in a crazyhouse game! u have to just be very aggressive and decisive when u play
There is a modified version for Stockfish that plays crazyhouse, so your dreams are busted!
Moving flank pawns is usually suicide, just creates holes for pawns to be dropped.
Responding to Princess Fleta, I think queens are worth way more than that. Once a queen is off the board (and in your pocket) It adds a huge checkmate threat at all times. Any random open square next to the opponents king suddenly opens up a huge possibility of 2 move or 3 move checkmate. Toss a pawn infront of the king and slap a queen down next turn and its over just like that. No other piece has that kind of threat. You'd need like 3 knights to achieve that kind of net but that also means you need your opponent to blunder 3 open squares near his king...
You need to make a check as soon as he gives on opening (In my opinion) it allows for you to attack. I'm kinda bad at crazyhouse, but the following game was fun to play (Probably full of blunders) I made a misclick at one point, it was Mate in 2 or 3, but I put my BIshop on h3 instead of g4. It was fun to play, at the end black effectively resigned
The only reason I want someone to analyze a crazyhouse game is because with normal chess, you can use a computer to analyze the game, and it becomes worthless. Here it is:
Please note that I am terrible at crazyhouse, and I most likely made several blunders.