
Clock/Timer Being Manipulated

Has anyone else noticed the clock/timer being manipulated by their opponents?
Good_Knight_Already wrote:
Has anyone else noticed the clock/timer being manipulated by their opponents?


Your opponent can't manipulate the clocks. The Live server keeps the official clocks and it is the process that sends the updated time to the client.

Hi yes it happens . Clocks can be manipulated.
They will try to tell you that no one can manipulate their clock
This is not true
I record some of my games and see it happens against some players
Some people in the forums will disagree and throw some Einstein relativity crap at you explaining it’s not possible for click manipulation and that both players are experiencing the clock differently
It’s plain cheating but it happens
I have come to terms with it and still play for the fun of it in hopes that my opponent doesn’t have the ability to do it
If you are playing bullet chess and trying to strategically Win by time, it won’t work if you are playing someone with the ability to lag switch
It’s unfortunate because it takes all the fun out of the game
It’s a matter that needs serious investigation but at the end of the day
I have played many fast flowing bullet games with 100% pre-moves yet I lose with 30 seconds remaining for my opponent , then they taunt you and make an emoji face at you laughing
I just block these players

Good luck and respect the game!

I have been experiencing games where clock manipulation has been taking place.  It's a shame, because they are games I was clearly going to win on time.  I don't know how they do it, but I am sure 100% they are doing it. 


If you are cheating at chess you are not playing chess, rather some egomaniacal game with yourself. It does, however, impact the person you draw into your sickness, to some degree. 

aliaschess wrote:

I have been experiencing games where clock manipulation has been taking place.  It's a shame, because they are games I was clearly going to win on time.  I don't know how they do it, but I am sure 100% they are doing it. 


Players can't manipulate the clocks. The server is the official time keeper and updates the clients with the appropriate values after each move 

Korinthian wrote:
Hi yes it happens . Clocks can be manipulated.
They will try to tell you that no one can manipulate their clock
This is not true
I record some of my games and see it happens against some players
Some people in the forums will disagree and throw some Einstein relativity crap at you explaining it’s not possible for click manipulation and that both players are experiencing the clock differently
It’s plain cheating but it happens
I have come to terms with it and still play for the fun of it in hopes that my opponent doesn’t have the ability to do it
If you are playing bullet chess and trying to strategically Win by time, it won’t work if you are playing someone with the ability to lag switch
It’s unfortunate because it takes all the fun out of the game
It’s a matter that needs serious investigation but at the end of the day
I have played many fast flowing bullet games with 100% pre-moves yet I lose with 30 seconds remaining for my opponent , then they taunt you and make an emoji face at you laughing
I just block these players

Good luck and respect the game!

I don't believe I've ever seen a chess complaint in the form of a haiku. 

I was just about to ask the same thing. Just drew a game in which my opponent avoided me perfectly. I had 2 Queens and 2 Rooks but was very short on time. I was trying to make sure I didn’t stalemate. Opponent made 4 moves in one second. That seems impossible.




No there is no clock manipulation.


Okay 👍 

tcmarti wrote:
... Opponent made 4 moves in one second. That seems impossible.


It's possible to make 10 moves per second, using premoves. 


Yes I have noticed time manipulations and have reported 2 such games which i clearly noticed. 

kirankumarju wakeup


Yeah ok, now, why don't they add more than a couple seconds to their clock? Maybe a minute?
"Oh but it'll be too obvious", well you guys are already saying that adding a couple seconds is obvious, what difference does it make?

kirankumarju wrote:

Yes I have noticed time manipulations and have reported 2 such games which i clearly noticed. 


The server maintains the official clocks and does all calculations on how much time was actually used and accounts for the allowed lag.


All clock changes are done by the server any players can't impact it. They would have to have server access and if they did, they would do more than add a little time.


Well martin I have reported , So the chess guys just have to check thier logs i guess


Here is Proof


Of course they do cheating with the clock.... This was embarrassing me a lot. What's worse is, that a lot of people are playing continuous aside with another computer who plays for them. I noticed this, really, a lot of times..... That takes me the motivation. I want to play fair, but others are taking advantage by cheating..... I don't think that the game makers can change this. I saw this phenomenon on other chess apps also... So, the best game is still the personal one.

kirankumarju wrote:

Here is Proof


That has nothing to do with your opponent. The clients never directly connect so your opponent can't see your connection details and can't cause a disconnection between your client and the site servers.

Disconnects happen due to client side issues (either on the system or local network segment), between your router or ISP, between your ISP and the many connections to the site datacenter, down to the site server.  There are some things that you can do on your end to minimize issues: