
Chess title is harder to get than to be a doctor or lawyer


Why having a chess title is hard to get than to getting a professional title like doctor, lawyer and others? They (FIDE) should lower the standards of getting a title in chess, so players will enjoy and encourage to continue.

A chess title should be prestigious and not something that everyone can earn. You can still enjoy the game and be encouraged to keep playing without titles being easier to obtain


"Chess title is harder to get than to be a doctor or lawyer"
++ No. You can compare university student to CM, BSc. to FM, MSc. to IM, and PhD. to GM.

"They (FIDE) should lower the standards of getting a title in chess"
FIDE has titles for the lower rating band: ACM, AFM, AIM, AGM.

I don’t see the point. Chess already artificially labels everyone with an Elo ranking. Is there something tangible not having a title is preventing you from doing?


A title is for life. Even if your rating later drops, you keep enjoying the perks of the title.

tygxc wrote:


"Chess title is harder to get than to be a doctor or lawyer"
++ No. You can compare university student to CM, BSc. to FM, MSc. to IM, and PhD. to GM.

"They (FIDE) should lower the standards of getting a title in chess"
FIDE has titles for the lower rating band: ACM, AFM, AIM, AGM.

what does ACM, AFM, AIM, AGM stand for



Arena CM, FM, IM, GM, see the link provided.


okay, so why in your countries have only few GMs, IMs, FMs, CMs compare to the number of doctors and other professionals, and why in the whole world only 2k+ are GMs, where too many people plays chess


Why having a chess title is hard to get than to getting a professional title like doctor, lawyer and others? They (FIDE) should lower the standards of getting a title in chess, so players will enjoy and encourage to continue.

Why do you think it's harder to get?


my dad is a lawyer. he says it wasnt so hard to be one

being titled in chess is def harder


There's less incentive to get a chess title.


Because chess titles aren't useful.


How many people become lawyers before the age of 15? How many people become a GM before the age of 15?

It takes many more years of education and life experiences and it takes many more skill sets to become a doctor or lawyer.


I was saying any title is harder than becoming a lawyer/doctor, not just GM

Think about it this way, if you wanted to become a lawyer you could. If you wanted to become a GM you can't

Surely becoming a doctor or lawyer is more difficult than getting a chess title. Just start chess when you are a child and in five years with half of the effort for becoming a doctor you’ll get your master or even grandmaster title
chesssblackbelt wrote:

I was saying any title is harder than becoming a lawyer/doctor, not just GM

Think about it this way, if you wanted to become a lawyer you could. If you wanted to become a GM you can't

Or you could?


I could become a doctor AND a lawyer before ever getting GM


If you are a child it's much easier to become a GM than a doctor or lawyer (legal issues aside).

If you start as an adult, then yes, getting a GM title is harder than becoming a doctor or lawyer.

landloch wrote:

If you are a child it's much easier to become a GM than a doctor or lawyer (legal issues aside).

If you start as an adult, then yes, getting a GM title is harder than becoming a doctor or lawyer.

It's impossible for me to become a GM and I'm 13 and 2500 lichess. Even if I studied it 12 hours a day for the rest of my life I wouldn't get it

You don't realise how hard being GM is until you get higher rated

That is exactly what I said. There are so many children in the world today who have becoming a Fide Master by the age of 10 and many who reach IM and GM level by the age of 13 and they go to school and play other games too! As an adult it is impossible to become IM and GM and if you are not a strong club player by the age of 18 you may never become even an FM. Chess is extremely easy for chidren and extremely difficult for adults to master