chess - sah
chess board - tabla de sah
check - sah
check mate - sah mat
pawn - pion
king - rege
queen - dama/regina
rook - turn, tura
bishop - nebun
knight - cal
castle - rocada
black - negru
white - alb
stalemate - pat
chess - sah
chess board - tabla de sah
check - sah
check mate - sah mat
pawn - pion
king - rege
queen - dama/regina
rook - turn, tura
bishop - nebun
knight - cal
castle - rocada
black - negru
white - alb
stalemate - pat
chess - skaak
chess board - skaakbord
check - skaak
check mate - skaakmat
pawn - pion
king - koning
queen - dame
rook - toring
bishop - loper
knight - ruiter
castle - rokeer
black - swart
white - wit
stalemate - pat
Hungarian (the words in parenthesis are widely used, maybe more often than the official names)
chess - sakk
chess board - sakktábla
check - sakk
check mate - sakk-matt
pawn - gyalog (paraszt)
king - király
queen - vezér (királynő)
rook - bástya
bishop - futó
knight - huszár (ló)
castling - sáncolás (rosálás)
black - fekete
white - fehér
NimzoRoy, thanks for sharing but let's get it on here :)
chess - schack
chess board - schackbräde
check - schack
check mate - schack matt
pawn - bonde
king - kung
queen - dam
rook - torn
bishop - löpare
knight - springare
castle - rockad
black - svart
white - vit
stalemate - patt
In Dutch
chess = schaken
chess board =schaakbord
check = schaak
check mate = mat
pawn = pion
king = koning
queen = Dame
rook = Toren
bishop = Loper
knight =Paard
castle = Roccade
black = zwart
white = wit
Stalemate = pat
In Italian:
chess = scacchi
chess board = scacchiera
check = scacco
check mate = scacco matto
pawn = pedone
king = re
queen = regina, donna
rook = torre
bishop = alfiere
knight = cavallo
castle = arrocco
black = nero
white = bianco
stalemate = stallo
Thanks everybody, so far we have: Romanian, Afrikaans, Hungarian, Swedish, Dutch and Italian. 6 languages, let's take this to 50 :)
chess - Ajedrez
chess board - Tablero de ajedrez
check - Jaque
check mate - Jaque mate
pawn - Peón
king - Rey
queen - Dama (also called Reina)
rook - Torre
bishop - Alfil
knight - Caballo
castle - Enroque
black - Negro
white - Blanco
stalemate - Ahogado
chess - échecs
chess board - échiquier
check - échec
check mate - échec et mat
pawn - pion
king - roi
queen - dame/reine
rook - tour
bishop - fou
knight - cavalier
castle - roc
black - noir
white - blanc
stalemate - échec et pat
Finnish 3 | sakki | kuningas | kuningatar | torni | ratsu | lähetti | sotilas | sakki |
English | chess | king | queen | rook | knight | bishop | pawn | check |
French | échecs | roi | dame | tour | cavalier | fou | pion | échec |
Italian | scacchi | re | donna | torre | cavallo | alfiere | pedone | scacco |
Spanish 10 | ajedrez | rey | dama, reina | torre | caballo | alfil | peón | jaque |
Portuguese 4 | xadrez | rei | dama | torre | cavalo | bispo | peão | xeque |
Catalan | escacs | rei | dama, reina | torre | cavall | alfil | peó | escac, xec |
Friulian | scacs | re | regjine | roc | cjaval | alfîl | pedon | scac |
Galician | xadrez | rei | raíña | torre | cabalo | bispo | peón | xaque |
Occitan | échecs | rey | fenno | castel | cabal | falour | piun | echec |
Romanian | şah | rege | damă, regină | turn | cal | nebun | pion | şah |
Latin 2 | lūsus lātrunculōrum | rēx | rēgīna | turris | eques | cursor | pedes | cavē rēgī |
Basque | xake, xake-joko | errege | dama | gaztelu | zaldun | alfil | peoi | xake |
Chess- Chaturang
Chess Board- Chaturang phalak
Check- Shuh
Check Mate- Shuh aur Maat
Pawn- Pyada ( meaning foot soldier )
King- Raja
Queen- Vazir ( meaning Prime Minister )
Rook- Hathi ( meaning Elephant )
Bishop- Unt ( meaning Camel )
Knight- Ghoda ( meaning Horse )
Castle- no word
Black- Kala
Stalemate- no word
In a nice Dutch book by Christiaan M. Bijl I found ( to start with ) the following six Russian terms : King - Koról, Queen - Fjerz', Rook - Lad'já Bishop - Slon, Knight - Kon', Pawn - Pjéska.
And also important are the letters used in foreign analyses, for successively King, Queen, Rook, Bishop and Knight :
Bulgarian Tz D T O K Russian Kp/Kr F L C/S K Perhaps somebody can give the cyrillic letters for Bulgarian Tz and D; and for Russian F and L, I dont have them in my computer ( I think).
Danish K D T L S German K D T L S English K Q R B Kt/N French R D T F C Hungarian K V B F H Italian R D T A C Dutch K D T L P Norwegian K D T B S Polish K H W G S Portugese R D T B C Rumanian R D T N C Spanish R D T A C Swedish K D T L S
The original book is dataed 1976, so gives Jugoslavian and Czechoslovak with letters resp. K D T L S and K D V S J and perhaps somebody else now can add the correct letters according to the new countries in that region.
Another nice thing is to know the oldfashioned term in a specific language, e.g. in Dutch the Bishop is now a "Loper", a runner, a messenger ; and was originally a "Raadsheer", a councillor, a senator (letter R).
Let us be glad we have algabraïc notation all over the world, although the old English was not bad at all ( I expect some reactions now... ).
Nice examples are in Paris 1925 1. P.4D P.4D 2. P.4FD P.3FD 3. C.3FD C. 3FR 4. P.3R F.4FR 5. P pr PD C pr PD 6. F.4FD P.3R this is Aljechin-Opocensky in old French notation
And what about Fisher-Tukmakov, Buenos Aires 1970, in old Spanish : 1. P3CD P4R 2. A2C C3AD 3. P4AD C3A 4. P3R A2R 5. P3TD...
This should be funny and it's very simple. Post the translation in your native language of the following chess terms:
chess board
check mate
When somebody is posting the translation I will update this post
chess - sah
chess board - tabla de sah
check - sah
check mate - sah mat
pawn - pion
king - rege
queen - dama/regina
rook - turn, tura
bishop - nebun
knight - cal
castle - rocada
black - negru
white - alb
stalemate - pat
chess - skaak
chess board - skaakbord
check - skaak
check mate - skaakmat
pawn - pion
king - koning
queen - dame
rook - toring
bishop - loper
knight - ruiter
castle - rokeer
black - swart
white - wit
stalemate - pat
Hungarian (the words in parenthesis are widely used, maybe more often than the official names)
chess - sakk
chess board - sakktábla
check - sakk
check mate - sakk-matt
pawn - gyalog (paraszt)
king - király
queen - vezér (királynő)
rook - bástya
bishop - futó
knight - huszár (ló)
castling - sáncolás (rosálás)
black - fekete
white - fehér
chess - schack
chess board - schackbräde
check - schack
check mate - schack matt
pawn - bonde
king - kung
queen - dam
rook - torn
bishop - löpare
knight - springare
castle - rockad
black - svart
white - vit
stalemate - patt
In Dutch
chess = schaken
chess board =schaakbord
check = schaak
check mate = mat
pawn = pion
king = koning
queen = Dame
rook = Toren
bishop = Loper
knight =Paard
castle = Roccade
black = zwart
white = wit
Stalemate = pat
In Italian:
chess = scacchi
chess board = scacchiera
check = scacco
check mate = scacco matto
pawn = pedone
king = re
queen = regina, donna
rook = torre
bishop = alfiere
knight = cavallo
castle = arrocco
black = nero
white = bianco
stalemate = stallo
chess - Ajedrez
chess board - Tablero de ajedrez
check - Jaque
check mate - Jaque mate
pawn - Peón
king - Rey
queen - Dama (also called Reina)
rook - Torre
bishop - Alfil
knight - Caballo
castle - Enroque
black - Negro
white - Blanco
stalemate - Ahogado
chess - échecs
chess board - échiquier
check - échec
check mate - échec et mat
pawn - pion
king - roi
queen - dame/reine
rook - tour
bishop - fou
knight - cavalier
castle - roc
black - noir
white - blanc
stalemate - échec et pat
Chess- Chaturang
Chess Board- Chaturang phalak
Check- Shuh
Check Mate- Shuh aur Maat
Pawn- Pyada ( meaning foot soldier )
King- Raja
Queen- Vazir ( meaning Prime Minister )
Rook- Hathi ( meaning Elephant )
Bishop- Unt ( meaning Camel )
Knight- Ghoda ( meaning Horse )
Castle- no word
Black- Kala
Stalemate- no word
Slovenian Language
Chess - šah
Chess Board - Šahovska tabla, šahovnica
Check - šah
Check Mate - šah mat
Pawn - kmet (meaning peasant)
King - kralj
Queen - dama (meaning madame) ; or kraljica ( meaning queen )
Rook - top (meaning canon)
Bishop - lovec (meaning hunter)
Knight - skakač (meaning jumper), or konj (meaning horse)
Castle - rokada
Black - črni
White - beli
Stalemate - pat