I've been thinking about this too, and often I think people take the rook as castle way too literally, in fact, Originally the rook is a charioteer, so very similar to a tank in modern warfare, which makes sense how it moves, so totally agree!!!!! Good job!!!!!! Same with Knight, absolutely attack helicopter!!!!! Exactly what i was thinking!!!!! Bishop as sniper is perfect!!!! Great idea!!!!! For the Queen, the obvious choice for me is Special Forces. Strongest piece in the game and makes complete sense that an infantry unit can be Promoted. Think of the infantry unit being trained as it proceeds through the game until it becomes a special forces unit. Alternatively, infantry reaches enemy supply lines and can confiscate tanks or helicopters! Even if you wanted to go more literal, ask the general (king of course) how much he is in love with his special forces? Can he live without them? Does he want to? :-)
I would love to make some chessmen with this modern theme, I am a HUGE fan of beautifully crafted and conceived chess sets.
I've also been thinking about analogs for different fighting environments/armed services, but not quite there yet. Would be interested in anybody's thoughts on Navy, or Air Force, or possibly a beach invasion force like Normandy or Iwo Jima, or perhaps nuclear Era analogs!?
Great thoughts Soldarius, Thanks!!!!
Chess pieces are designed as archaic units, so how would your modern version of chess pieces be?
Mine would look someting as :
= Light infantry
= Sniper
= Attack helicopter
= Tank
= (I still don't know what could be the queen)
= General