
Chess is Rigged

Can you kill a pawn that is directly horizontal to you be moving diagonal and going behind it? This just happened to me and I think it was a glitch
If you think this game is really rigged don’t try leverage trading crypto market

En Passant


Look it up, its a real rule


Yea, it’s en passant

JankogajdoskoLEGM wrote:
Chessflyfisher wrote:

Stop this thread, NOW!

Stop bully I never Relent NOr Give up Stop bully me, Game is rigged cant win, I struggle and struggle and Perpetualy stuck and Gatekept cant do anything, Game is rigged And ELO gatekeeprs and AI Alghotythms and AGents are Opressing over 99%

Janko, chess is not rigged. I know you believe with all your heart that it really is but it isn't. Stop rage-baiting and drooling over your blunder and mistake filled games. You are being seen as a delusional person, which isn't true. I believe you can be better Janko. Just keep your "chess is Rigged "business to yourself. Please.


It could help you be seen as a truly wise person, but NOT like this. Just stop.


Stop bully mE I will Never stop Nor Relent Im Goggins Of chess Truth and whistleblowing and Will spread The Truth that is being supresssed By AI ELo gatekeepers and Chess matrix

Mrbonehead wrote:
TheeChessManCan wrote:
HangingPiecesChomper wrote:

continue this thread, very rigged

Do you have any proof that chess is rigged?

Or are you just a troll?

I have lost 10-15 games in a row, none of them blunder when I am losing, this happens on a regular basis, Yet on lichess the most I lose is maybe 5 games in a row. This is enough evidence for me to show have something arranged on here to keep you playing, ie it's rigged.

I am going to quit in the next few days, because I do not see any point playing on this site.

Slow down there Jimmie, that's not enough evidence at all. You are just going through a tilt, and the games you lose aren't only because of blunders, but because of mistakes, inaccuracies, or missed tactics, along with how your opponent plays too.

Wear an op pair of pants and watch your rating go up exponentially
You likely preform better on lichess be because lichess players consistently have elo ratings far above ones (e.g. a 1300 on may be as high as 1800+ lichess)

Sounds like it’s time to downgrade to checkers...

TheeChessManCan wrote:

Slow down there Jimmie, that's not enough evidence at all. You are just going through a tilt, and the games you lose aren't only because of blunders, but because of mistakes, inaccuracies, or missed tactics, along with how your opponent plays too.

You obviously don't know what evidence is you arrogant a-hole. Don't waste my time with your BS tilt nonsense. If what you was saying was true, it would happen on lichess too, wouldn't it?

Llusou wrote:
You likely preform better on lichess be because lichess players consistently have elo ratings far above ones (e.g. a 1300 on may be as high as 1800+ lichess)

Your explanation is BS, my rating on lichess is 1500+ on here 900, so your theory sucks.

Mrbonehead wrote:
Llusou wrote:
You likely preform better on lichess be because lichess players consistently have elo ratings far above ones (e.g. a 1300 on may be as high as 1800+ lichess)

Your explanation is BS, my rating on lichess is 1500+ on here 900, so your theory sucks.

That theory applies to players who play consistently on both websites.

Mrbonehead wrote:
ThisIsNotArnav wrote:


I can lose 10, even 15 games in a row on here, this never happens on lichess, so you can only come to one conclusion, have it rigged somehow. There is no other explanation for your elo being driven down to such extremes and then you are allowed to bounce back up with weak opposition. If this was normal, you would expect to experience the same on lichess, but I don't.

skill issuee


This was supposed to be a joke lol

ThisIsNotArnav wrote:

This was supposed to be a joke lol

Now look at what you started. lol Move this to off topic and really watch it grow.


Lichess ratings are inflated, anyways. 1500s on Lichess is not 1500 on, but lower.

chessperson17071 is not rigged. Just because you lose 10 games in a row does not mean anything is happening outside of your obvious knowledge. You are the person who makes the decision to play more games and lose them. What you likely don’t realise is that the more games you lose, the angrier you tend to get and the more games you will play to try and heal your rating. This leads you to losing up to 100 elo before giving up playing. It’s not’s problem…