
Chess Hot Takes


Hot take: A strong opinion on a subject that people will likely disagree with.

Drop your BEST chess-related hot takes in the comments below and yours *might* be included in a future blog of mine.

Example: "Levy Rozman is the GOAT of chess."


chess is for nerds


Danny is a conspiracy theorist that believes anything he doesn’t know about is a conspiracy



that's not a hot take that's a fact


Hot take: The london system is actually excting!

alphaous wrote:

Hot take: The london system is actually excting!

Lol I'm really bouta copy paste your blog into my blog


Paul Morphy was NOT ten feet tall.


e4 is overrated, Nf3 and d4 anyday man

nbrasington wrote:
alphaous wrote:

Hot take: The london system is actually excting!

Lol I'm really bouta copy paste your blog into my blog

nah just acknowledge my take and gimme free ad space ommm


thats not a hot take thats a true statement

thats why hikaru is a gm

chesswhizz9 will die in the next five years because everyone lost patience in danny rensch for rasing more conspiracy theories...

KipperWasHere wrote:

You don't need intelligence to succeed at chess, you need experience. I consider myself an unintelligent person/more anti-intellectual, and I'm somehow 1600. It's mostly because of how long I've been playing.

True, and conversely, I'm a 150 IQ mega genius (real) but I'm not a super GM

OnyxOrca is the best chess site ever, and everyone loves it. If you don't love it that's cus you're not a nice person. So what if every week we have to hear news about their most recent cash gr- I mean partnership? So what if we're a year away from pay to play? So what if a lot of the resources here aren't much better than L*chess despite being hidden behind a paywall (GM lessons barely being the exception)? So what if there's a new bug every week, except when there's reruns? So what if there's so many new bots, which don't add much to the chess experience and have little to know difference in style except dialogue and how spectacularly they can blunder a piece? So what? What matters most is that Chess Stuart Jameson Com Jr is the biggest bestest chess site and you can't tell me otherwise.


Though I'll admit that the duolingo partnership isn't half bad. I do wish they could've written "10 ways chess is like dealing with a crazy bird that has taken your family hostage until you can negotiate the ransom in Spanish," but we can't have everything we want.

Also the move variations update isn't horrible.

OnyxOrca wrote: is the best chess site ever, and everyone loves it. If you don't love it that's cus you're not a nice person. So what if every week we have to hear news about their most recent cash gr- I mean partnership? So what if we're a year away from pay to play? So what if a lot of the resources here aren't much better than L*chess despite being hidden behind a paywall (GM lessons barely being the exception)? So what if there's a new bug every week, except when there's reruns? So what if there's so many new bots, which don't add much to the chess experience and have little to know difference in style except dialogue and how spectacularly they can blunder a piece? So what? What matters most is that Chess Stuart Jameson Com Jr is the biggest bestest chess site and you can't tell me otherwise.

big copypasta potential


the duolingo partnership has not reached half oof its full meme potential


Italian game is very boring!


hikaru is a grandmaster


Contradiction in chess are yet called counterplay??! Will we ever grow up? Have we ever grow up our chess beyond tactics or chances?!