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yah, well new USA more powerful and dangerous than old USA. And new china more powerful and dangerous ...... India........... see any patterns emerging?


try being in the pacific, USA wants our land to have easy access to antarctica ( even though they don't officially believe in global warming : P ) meanwhile China pays for EVERYTHING for countries like Tonga, and so they vote for whaling for Japan at the WWC, and anything China wants on the world stage soon. China also loves buying up NZ businesses and has Australian farming industry by the scrot.

Oh did I mention all the Polynesian climate change refugees we will get soon as Aussie only wants them if they are good at rugby?

: D What a wonderful world.........


@Wollyhood... nobody can go head to head with US military... not conventional anyway. But they don't even need to anymore? If Russia has Cyber power that we suspect, world is their oyster. Look at some other patterns... US is being divided more by the day? Left v Right... Liberal v Conservative... Rep v Dem... North v South... White v Black... guns, abortion? Look at UK and Europe... ripped apart? Brexit... UK in chaos, probably to split up. France in chaos, divided. Same with Germany, immigration? Italy crumbling to bits... Greece in ruins. Africa being exploited, as usual. China and Japan... mutual loathing. Same with Korea. See the pattern? Divide and Conquer, just like the roman legions. Sooner or later China will slow... and who has the hackers to stir a revolution? Darn world Is a Chess game? Wish i was in Australia or NZ... even there is terrorism?


fairytaleLion wrote:

... guns, abortion?


In the US, the GOP was ruined by a single issue. The party embraced a spectrum of positions and ideologies until the party was taken over by a small, well-organized group in the early 1980s. That this same group now supports a man who had never embraced any of their values--certainly not in his behavior, but also not in his words--until he discovered that they would support him, highlights the utter corruption and hypocrisy of their ideology.

Another issue is now becoming a litmus test for the Democrats, who once embraced folks on several sides. On this issue, they are driven by emotions and superficial data analysis guilty of a classic logical error, cum hoc ergo propter hoc.


Right well this just got interesting in two different directions:

I think the economic rulers of the US starting controlling it in the 80s. Have you seen that doco on the 2009 financial crisis narrated by Matt Damon?

It's so disturbing, ALL the key economic advisors have been the same for all the presidents since then! blimmin Lord Greenspan could do no wrong!  so yah scary scary economics in there. Russia super scary?

Well perhaps in the ways that Lion says. but immediate affects on my life coming from all those other powerful countries I mentioned.

I think economically / climate change wise the US is forcing wise countries to dislodge from our trade agreements, which do not favour countries other than the US anyways. Despite Faux! so i think you will find strong little countries breaking away, and then this huge car revolution where norway and NZ etc will be forced by their population to stop using fossil fuels. But in the meantime this other stuff gets super bad.... what will wipe human civilization out (as we know it) first, becomes the main issue. I think Noam Chomsky is the wisest; it's either going to be nuclear war or climate change or a mix of both.


Well... this is very uplifting... but interesting. 

As i understand... the Nuke option, gawd forbid, would most likely be a short range tactical warhead, probably in Korea or a similar theatre... or a so named dirty bomb, in a large metro area. But don't worry... only a million or so would be killed? Civilization would continue. Climate change is a real problem... but i can't see that wiping us, not for a while anyway. My bet would be on some form of global pandemic... either natural or deliberate. Both US and Russia, at least, have power to do so. Simply too many people in the world? If world population was say 30 or 40 million... the quality of living for those left would be amazing. Probably some elite types are working on this very idea... how can they kill off we plebs, we cattle... so they can have a clean, paradise world. More drink please.


ha ha ha ha ... all  with a IOT sensor on the arms !?!


Most dumb people think if only I talk smart

wollyhood написал:

yah, well new USA more powerful and dangerous than old USA. And new china more powerful and dangerous ...... India........... see any patterns emerging?

Oh cmon guy, what are you saying!? YOU AREN'T RIGHT AT ALL! Every smart guy knows that U.S. is good, but Russia is bad. Saudi Arabia is good, but Iran is bad. Croatia is good, but Serbia is bad, and so on. And please don't discuss it, otherwise you are not true liberal and democrat.

aperechnev wrote:
wollyhood написал:

yah, well new USA more powerful and dangerous than old USA. And new china more powerful and dangerous ...... India........... see any patterns emerging?

Oh cmon guy, what are you saying!? YOU AREN'T RIGHT AT ALL! Every smart guy knows that U.S. is good, but Russia is bad. Saudi Arabia is good, but Iran is bad. Croatia is good, but Serbia is bad, and so on. And please don't discuss it, otherwise you are not true liberal and democrat.

2 extra potatoes direct from Putin for you today!  


Ah, sorry, I forgot to mention also that any U.S. president is good, but Putin is bad. That's it.

aperechnev wrote:
wollyhood написал:

yah, well new USA more powerful and dangerous than old USA. And new china more powerful and dangerous ...... India........... see any patterns emerging?

Oh cmon guy, what are you saying!? YOU AREN'T RIGHT AT ALL! Every smart guy knows that U.S. is good, but Russia is bad. Saudi Arabia is good, but Iran is bad. Croatia is good, but Serbia is bad, and so on. And please don't discuss it, otherwise you are not true liberal and democrat.


very droll

PS what the hell are we going to do about Sweden and Greenland??? Good oder  الرهيبه


Everyone must have a purely good or pure evil stamp.

It's not easy bein a tru pate-ree-it


You mean we can't buy them??

wollyhood написал:

PS what the hell are we going to do about Sweden and Greenland??? Good oder  الرهيبه


Everyone must have a purely good or pure evil stamp.

We can't do anything with them. We should wait for the further instruction from White House.


I'm guessing we are in the twilight zone here 🤔🤔🙄😳



GMproposedsolutions wrote:

I'm all for this. I do drugs, however, the natural kind, like tyramine in aged cheese. Sad no hot chick think it's cool eating aged cheese. 


GMproposedsolutions wrote:

I'm all for this. I do drugs, however, the natural kind, like tyramine in aged cheese. Sad no hot chick think it's cool eating aged cheese. 


I am an aged chick and like hot cheese (Raclette) - does that count?  🧀 


of course, I am an expert in that but as it doesnot count....... I keep it with me 



Pepperjack is tasty too.