Forums should add an Antarctica flag


In case you didn't know already, there are people who were born in Antarctica, so why is there no flag for them?  I think it should be added.  What are your thoughts?

I think there used to be one

Since its not a country???


lich*ss is always a step ahead

TipsyTrickster wrote:

lich*ss is always a step ahead


M314159265358979 wrote:
TipsyTrickster wrote:

lich*ss is always a step ahead


I censore because they used to delete comments


wait people are born in antartica

Person: censors part of a swear
This guy: “you mean fu-“
Fun. Definitely was typing fun
M314159265358979 wrote:

In case you didn't know already, there are people who were born in Antarctica, so why is there no flag for them? I think it should be added. What are your thoughts?

Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard


Maybe the reason is that Antarctica doesn't have a flag.

M314159265358979 wrote:

In case you didn't know already, there are people who were born in Antarctica, so why is there no flag for them? I think it should be added. What are your thoughts?

what about this

you go up to all the governments in the world, discuss about trying to MAKE an Antarctica flag, and wait for their response. wait until they make an Antarctica flag, then come back to this forum and complain about this

This is South Pole erasure and must be addressed
For the penguins who love chess 🐧

penguins love chess!?


Lorax: Hello, everybody. Thanks for coming. (reads the note) I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. And I'd like to say a few words, if you please. Regarding the story that you're about to see. It actually happened. Just take it from me. But there's more to this story than what's on the page, so please pay attention while I set the stage.

(Curtain opens to Thneedville.)

Lorax: [v.o.] We open in Thneedville, a city they say that was plastic and fake, and they liked it that way! A town without nature, not one living tree. So, what happened to them? Cue the music! Let's see.

Bee: Buzz. Buzz.

In Thneedville,

it's a brand new dawn

With brand new cars

and houses and lawns

Here in


In Thneedville,

we manufacture our trees

Each one is made

in factories

And uses 96 batteries

In Thneedville,

the air's not so clean

So we buy it fresh

It comes out this machine!

In Satisfaction's-


In Thneedville,

we don't want to know

Where the smog and trash

and chemicals go

I just went swimming,

and now I glow

In Thneedville,

we have fun year round

We surf and snowboard

right in town

We thank the Lord

for all we've got

Including this

brand new parking lot!

Parking lot!

Oh, look,

it's Aloysius O'Hare

Aloysius O'Hare

The man who found

a way to sell air

And became a zillionaire


In Thneedville,

we love living this way

It's like living in paradise

It's perfect!

And that's how it will stay

Oh, yeah!

Here in




We love it here in...



Oh, hi, Ted.

Oh, hey, Audrey. Hi.

Did your ball land

in my backyard again?

What? No.

A model airplane,

this time.

Hey, do you want to

see something cool?

Come on.


Did you...

Did you paint this?

Do you like it?


Are you kidding?

This is amazing!

What are those?

Those are trees.

Real ones.

They used to grow

all around here.

And people said that

the touch of their tufts

was softer than

anything, even silk.

And they smelled

like butterfly milk!

Wow! What does

that even mean?

I know, right?

Oh, yeah.

What I want more than anything

in the whole world is to see

a real living tree

growing in my backyard.

So if, say... I'm just

thinking out loud here.

If a guy somehow

got you one...

I'd probably

marry him on the spot.

I bet that sounds crazy.

Does that sound crazy?

No! Not crazy.

Not crazy at all.

Cut to Ted's family having dinner. Ted is seen poking his food, looking bored.

Ted's Mom: Ted, honey, don't play with your food. You, either, Mom.

Cut to Granny Norma bobbing her food before flicking it into her mouth.

Ted: So, Mom, do you happen to know if there's any place where I could get a real tree?

Ted's Mom: Ted, we already have a tree. It's the latest model.

Ted: Yeah, but I mean a real one that grows out of the ground or whatever. You know, a real tree.

Ted's Mom: Really? You would rather have some dirty, messy lump of wood that just sticks out of the ground? And it does what? I don't even know what it does. What's its purpose? Look at what we've got. [gestures to the Oak-amatic] It's the Oak-amatic. The only tree with its own remote. Summer, autumn, winter, and disco!

Ted: Mom?

Ted's Mom: Come on, Ted. Get into it. Dance with the tree.

Ted: Oh, it hurts, Mom. Please stop. [the music stops] So, anyway... Let's just say I need a tree. Where would I go? What do I do?

Granny Norma: Then you know what? You need to find the Once-ler. [starts slicing her food]

Ted: [stammering] The what?

Ted's Mom: Mom, it's not really the time for one of your magical fables, okay?

Granny Norma: That's right, I forgot. I'm old and can't even remember to put my teeth in.

Ted's Mom: Stand down. That's not what I meant.

Granny Norma: No, really, I forgot my teeth. Would you be a dear and go get them for me?

Ted's Mom: [sighs] Sure, Mom. [leaves the kitchen]

As soon as Ted's Mom left, Granny Norma finds her teeth and puts them in her mouth.

Granny Norma: Okay, here's the deal. The Once-ler is the man who knows what happened to the trees. You want one, you need to find him.

Ted: The Once-ler? Mmm-hmm. Okay. Grammy, is this a real thing that we're talking about now?

Granny Norma: Oh, he's real all right.

Ted: Well, where can I find him? [shrieks]

Granny Norma: Far outside of town where the grass never grows and the wind smells slow and sour when it blows. And no birds ever sing, excepting old crows.

Ted: [shrieks] Quit doing that.

That's the place where the Once-ler lives.

Wait, outside of town?

People used to say if you brought him 15 cents,

a nail

and the shell of a great,

great, great grandfather snail,

he would tell you everything.


Mr. O'Hare, what we've got for you is something that is going to take O'Hare Air to the next level.

Now, Mr. O'Hare, I know what you're thinking.

One, " I've gotten rich selling people air that's "fresher than the stinky stuff outside. "

Two, and here is the important one, "How can I possibly make even more money?"

We can tell you, sir!

We can tell you.

Check out this commercial, huh?

Well, here goes another lame Saturday.

Dude, I don't think so!




Oh, yeah!



O'Hare purified air.

Freshness to go.

Please breathe responsibly.


Oh, my goodness. Yeah!

Love it.

You got to be kidding me.

You really think people are

stupid enough to buy this?

Our research shows that if you

put something in a plastic bottle,

people will buy it.

Exactly. And...

And what's more, when

we build a new factory

to make

the plastic bottles,

the air quality is

just going to get worse.

Which will make people

want our air even more,

and drive sales where?

Through the roof!

So, in other words,

the more smog in the sky,

The more people will buy.

See, that's why he's the

genius! It even rhymes!

I'm aware it rhymes.

Coats. Big.

What do you two

knuckleheads want?

I'm in the middle

of a meeting!


Why is he leaving town?

No one ever leaves town!

See what he's up to.



Whoa! Whoa.

Oh, man.


All right.


What the...


[Ted gets pulled up by a rope and pulley to the second floor window where the Once-ler confronts him angrily.]

Once-ler: Who are you? Who are you and what are you doing here?!

Ted: I'm Ted. I'm Ted. I can't breathe. Are you the Once-ler? Oh, man.

Once-ler: Didn't you read the signs? No one is supposed to come here. Get out of here and leave me alone! And don't let the boot hit you on the way out.

Ted: The boot? [gets kicked by said boot from behind] Hello! Ow!

Listen! People say that if someone brings you this stuff that you will tell them about trees. [gets grabbed again] No, no, no!

Once-ler: Trees?

Ted: Yeah, real ones. You know, that grow out of the ground? [pause] Hello?

Once-ler: Sorry, it's just... Well, I didn't think anyone still cared about trees.

Ted: Well, that's me. The guy who still cares. I'm here. [gets put back down] Hey! What?

Once-ler: Do you want to know about trees? About what happened to them? Why they're all gone? [sighs] It's because of me.

Ted: [confused] Wait, what?

In response, the Once-ler drops the Chute-ma-phone down for Ted to understand him.

Once-ler: [shouting] It's because of me! [Ted coughs] And my invention, the Thneed. It was an amazing product that could do the job of a thousand.

Ted: All right. Sounds ridiculous, but I mean, that's cool.

Once-ler: You're darn right it was cool! It all started a long time ago.

Ted: Can we start not so long ago, maybe?

Once-ler: Do you want a tree?

Ted: Yes, yes.

Once-ler: Then it all started a long, long time ago.

[scene flashes back to the Once-ler as a young man]

Once-ler: I was a young man leaving home.

Well, here I go, Mom. Off to change the world with my Thneed. I'm actually doing it!

Yes, but just remember, Oncie, if somehow your invention ends up a failure instead of a success, oh, it wouldn't surprise me at all!

Nice wheels.



Yeah, "Burn!"

But you will see, okay? I'm

going to prove you all wrong.

Come on, Melvin!

So, there I was

at the very bottom.

With nothing

but a wagon, a mule,

and a completely irrational

sense of optimism.

I was searching the globe,

obsessed with finding the

perfect material for my Thneed.

But I'd had

absolutely no success.

Until one day, I found paradise.


We're going to be there soon, I'm sure.


This is the most beautiful place, okay, I have ever seen.





This is it!

This is the place

These Truffula trees

are just what I need

Gonna chop one down

and make my Thneed

But first...

Now you!

That's great!

So now our

friendship can begin

Hand in hand,

and wing and fin

There's nothing

you and I can't do

So let's all make

my dreams come true

Hey, guys!

Come on, where is my back-up chorus?


Ah-ha! Oh.


Ted: [interrupting the story] Hey, hey, hey. Wait a minute.

Once-ler: Excuse me?

Ted: [chuckles] Yeah. That's awesome. You know, feeding junk food to forest animals? That's great. But, uh, is there a musical number where you show me how to get a tree? 'Cause I'd love to hear that one.

Once-ler: Oh, yes. Right after the musical number about the kid who kept interrupting the story and was never heard from ever again. Hmm?

Ted: Right. Got it. Proceed.

Once-ler: All right, here we go. About to make a Thneed, about to change the world.

Once-ler: Check it out, guys... Where did everybody go?

Once-ler: Little did I know that by chopping down that tree I had just summoned a mystical creature as old as time itself. The legendary, slightly annoying guardian of the forest.The Lorax.

[The Lorax, along with the Swomee-Swans, the Bar-ba-loots, and the Humming-Fish, place stones around the stump to honor the tragic loss to the forest.]

The Lorax: [first meets Once-ler] Hey!

[Once-ler shrieks and falls backwards]

The Lorax: Did you chop down this tree?

Once-ler: Uhh... No. Who did it?ǃ [gasps] What's that? [the Lorax looks back and Once-ler drops his axe on Pipsqueak the Bar-ba-loot] I think he did it.

Lorax: [growls] Leave! Vacate the premises! Take your axe and get out!

Once-ler: And who are you? [pokes the Lorax]

Lorax: Hey, hey! I-I'm the Lorax, guardian of the forest. I speak for the trees. [The Once-ler stares at him] So, you're telling me, that you didn't see me magically appear out of that stump? With all the lightning and thunder and stuff. You didn't see any of that?

Once-ler: No, but that sounds amazing. Can I see some of that?

Lorax: Uhh, yeah, I could show you. But that's not how it works.

Okay. Um...

Didn't really happen.

Oh, I know what you want!

I've got one of these for the

cutest little guy I ever saw!

Yummy, yummy,

yummy, yummy, yummy...

How dare you!

Give me that!


I'm going to eat this,

but I am highly

offended by it.

What are you... Hey,

Mustache! Will you stop that?

What's your deal, man?

Time for you to go,

Beanpole! Pull them right out.

Just going to put them right

back in. We can do this all day.

Stop right there! Stop it!

So you would hammer one of

nature's innocent creatures?

Once-ler: [After the Lorax accuses him of harming Pipsqueak after almost hitting him with a hammer] What? No! I would never hit this little guy. You, on the other hand, I would gladly pound you and your mustache into the ground!

Behold! The intruder

and his violent ways.

Shame on you.

For shame!

All right, you know what? That's it!

You listen to me,

you furry meatloaf.

I'm going to chop down as

many trees as I need. Okay?


Not going anywhere!

End of story.

Then you

leave me no choice.

If you're not gone by the time

the sun sets on this valley,

all the forces of nature

will be unleashed upon you

and curse you until

the end of your days!

You have been warned.


Yeah, okay.

You have been warned.

But I didn't listen

to his warning.

And you won't believe

what happened that night.


If you want to hear more,

come back tomorrow.

Hey, wait, wait! Tomorrow?



Are you serious right now?

Ah! You live in

the middle of nowhere!

It stinks out here.

Don't make me come back!

I guess you don't really want

to hear the rest of the story.

No, no.

I do. I really do. I want

to hear the story. I just...

Nah! You don't have

what it takes. Goodbye.

Wait, wait!

I have what it takes.

It's all right. It's

okay, I'll come back.

It's no problem.

See, here I am, leaving.

Walking away now.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Maybe. Just maybe.

What did you

wish for, Audrey?

Well, I would

love to tell you,

but, sadly, according to the

universal wish laws, I cannot.

I know

what she wished for.

Was it, perhaps...


Ted, you didn't.

Oh, no. I totally did.

Happy birthday, Audrey.

Kiss him! Kiss him!


Ted. Tedster.


You're kissing the

cereal again, hon. What?

I just...

I like this cereal.

What one is this?



Well, I'll make sure to

buy extra next time for you.

All right, cool. Hey, I got

to run. I got to go do a thing.

So, I'll see you guys.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

You're not going

anywhere, young man.

It's Sunday.

You know what that means?

Family time, and we're

all playing board games!




Oh, man.

Mom, seriously,

every turn?

Hey, back off!



Okay! Family time is over.

It is now personal time.

I'll be in my room.

Okay, dear. Have fun.

I knew

I could break her.



Go see him!

Oh, yeah!

You rule!

Thank you, Grammy.


Hey! Ted, right?

Um, Mr. O'Hare?

So, I hear you have

become interested in trees.

What's that all about?

Oh. Um...

Where did you hear that?


Teddy, there's not much

that goes on in Thneedville

that I don't know about.

Here's the deal, I make a living

selling fresh air to people.


They make it for free.

So, when I hear

people talking about them,

I consider it kind of

a threat to my business.

I don't even know

what you're talking about.

You listen to me, boy.

Don't go poking around in

things you don't understand

or I'll be your

worst nightmare.

I'm Frankenstein's head

on a spider's body!

Yeah, um...

Okay, my mom is expecting

me. So, I'm just going to...

Of course, of course. Now, go

back to your family game time.

Grandma just

finished her turn.

How did you know?

Please. I have

eyes everywhere.


You got a beautiful

town here, Ted.

Lots of fun stuff to occupy

your short attention span.

Why, I can't

think of any reason

you would ever want to

go outside of town again.


Okay! Good talk.

Really good talk.

Oh, no.

Look out!

Hey, man? You know, you need

to change that door bell.

Oh, you missed me.


You're already back. Clearly,

you missed me a little. Right?

No, I didn't. I'm just here

to hear the end of the story.

Once-ler: Why are you so interested in trees anyway? Why aren't you like other kids? Break-dancing and wearing bell-bottoms and playing the Donkey Kongs?

Ted: [laughs] Yeah. Right, right. I don't know. Uh, I just thought it might be kinda cool to have one, you know.

Once-ler: [knowingly] Aaah, it's a girl, isn't it?

Ted: [scoffs] What? No!

Once-ler: Really? 'Cause when a guy does something stupid once, well, that's because he's a guy, but if he does the same stupid thing twice, that's usually to impress some girl.

Ted: [about Audrey] Hey, she is not some girlǃ She's a woman… in high school… and she loves trees, and I'm gonna get her one.

Once-ler: Aww. How nice to see someone so undeterred by things like reality.

Ted: (sincerely) Thank you.

All right,

but where did we leave off?

Now that's a Thneed.

Nothing unmanly

about knitting. No, sir.

Look at that...


Who taught you guys

how to steal a bed?


[The Humming-Fish sing the Mission: Impossible theme.]

Okay, nice and easy.

Nice work, you guys. Couldn't

have done it without you.

You got to be kidding me.

Can he swim?

Of course he can't swim!

Hang on, Pipsqueak!

I'm coming to get you!

Hey, you fishies!

Stop that bed!

Whoo! Whoo!

Jump, jump!

Come on, get up there.

Come on.

Go, go! A little bit

more! A little bit more!

Now what?


Get up there.

Okay, Pipsqueak,

give me your hand.

Come on,

reach out for the Lorax.

Where did you go?


Oh, that's bad.

[The Humming-Fish sing the Funeral March as The Once-ler floats down the river sleeping on his bed.]

Hey, Beanpole, wake up!

What's happening?

Where am I?

Hey! We got trouble,

and it's coming up fast!


We're in a river!


Oh, no.

Just do something!

Help is on the way!

No, no!

Just a minute!

Oh, no!

Wake up! Wake up!




I was heading

into the light,

and you pulled me

right back and here I am!

You saved my life!

Yeah, I know. Well, no,

it's not that big a deal.

It is a big deal!

Look, I almost went over

that waterfall! Wait...

On my bed. How did my

bed get in the river?

Uh... About that...

Actually... I put your bed in the water.

I didn't

mean you any harm.

I just wanted to

calmly float you away.

Look, everyone here

needs the trees

and you're

chopping them down!

So, we've got

a big problem.

All right, look.

I hereby swear that I will

never chop down another tree.

I promise.

Thank you. But I'm going

to keep my eye on you.

Good. Now, I've got

a big day tomorrow

so I'm going to

get some sleep.

Right after

I find my bed.

Once-ler: [screams and wakes up, a screaming Lorax also screams and wakes up, punching his nose] Ow! Okay, what are you...? Question, what are they doing here? And follow up, if I may, what are YOU doing here?!

The Lorax: Well, after the incident last night, we found one of your socks and came here to return it. But when we got here, you were asleep.

Once-ler: What? Exactly. And sleeping is the body's way of telling other people to go away.

Lorax: I know, but you looked so cozy. And it was cold outside, and we just fell asleep. No harm done.

Once-ler: "No harm done"? "No harm done"? Okay. [finds a Humming-Fish bathing himself in a coffee mug] Okay, I put my lips on those. Well, I used to, anyway. [sees a Swomee-Swan lay an egg] Ew. Did you just...In my bowl?!

Lorax: [brushing his mustache with the Once-ler's toothbrush] Why do you even own this? You don't have a mustache.

Once-ler: Okay, that's it!

Lorax: What? I thought we made a deal last night.

Once-ler: Yes, we did. And I said I wouldn't chop down any more trees.

Lorax: And I said I was going to keep an eye on you. I'm starving! What's for breakfast? [opens the fridge, seeing a fat Bar-ba-loot showly shoving a stick of butter into his mouth] Breakfast is overrated. [closes the fridge door]

Once-ler: [grunts in frustrated] You know what? I got work to do. [strips out of his pajamas in front of the Lorax and into his outfit] Yep! I got to go into town and sell my Thneed!

Lorax: [when the Once-ler shows the Thneed to him; laughs] You chopped down one of my trees to make that piece of garbage? Look at that...

"Garbage"? Oh, no.

Oh, no! You do not get it.

This is

a revolutionary product

that will change

the world as we know it.

It has a million uses!

Look at this.

It's a swimsuit!

Mud tracked all over your

floor by uninvited guests?

Well, the Thneed sure

comes in handy for that!

But wait, there's more!

Thanks to its

all-natural microfibers,

the Thneed is


It also works as a hat.

Of course, you probably

want to wring it out first.

Go ahead,

knock yourself out.

But nobody is going

to buy that thing.

Good to know.

Well, fortunately, you are

not the target market, weirdo.

You're bringing a guitar?

Oh, yeah.

I got a little jingle.

I'm gonna blow some minds,

gonna sell some Thneeds!



needs a Thneed

A fine thing

that all people...

Sit down, go on.

Unfortunately, I didn't

sell it the first day.

The Thneed is good

The Thneed is great...


Or the second day.


Or the third,

or fourth, or fifth day.

Okay, that one

hit the tender spot.

Until finally...

That's it!

You know what?

I'm done with this thing.


My family was right.

I quit!

Hey. Cool hat.

Oh, my gosh!

I totally want one.

That thing makes me

like you more.

Hey! Where's your Thneed,

did you sell it?

Hey. No, no.

Didn't sell it.

Turns out, it's ahead

of its time, I guess.

Hey, you gave it your best shot.

Right? What more can you do?

Come on, take a seat,

we'll deal you in.

What are we playing?

I'm playing poker. He's playing

Go Fish. And I


Antarctica is a continent.


While they're at it they should also add a flag for Mars and the Moon so they're ready once they're populated.

#19 🤣