Finally Achievements achievements (How to earn) #2

I got Statistician achievement!
Go to your stats and go through each category

Still don't understand the 'TV Guide' and the 'Hindsight 20/20'
TV: tried multiple browsers and the android app, logging in/out, twitch account is linked, ...
Hindsight 20/20: I analysed way more then 10 games of myself and at least 10 of other people myself, with the self-analyse box ticked, computer analyse, saved, ... I somehow got the 'second opinion' one, but then it all stopped. Still have no idea how i did that one.
I have the same problems.

My Chatterbox achievement has no specific number . It only states *among the most active members*. Frankly,I have no idea what they are talking about!

How are you supposed to get the Chatterbox achievement? There's no way to see where you are up to in the points list.
So apparently, there is a “points” leaderboard.
It’s not visible to people, but it’s there
to get the achievement, you’ll want to post a lot and hit the top of the leaderboard
The bad part is that you don’t know how much your aiming for... I think the highest i’ve Seen is like 22,000 points so aim for that
and thanks for answering my one of my questions at last