
Checkmate after resetting all pieces back to their start position


I know I've seen this twice-- Aman Hambleton and Ben Finegold both have videos somewhere on Youtube, but I can't find them anymore. I was absolutely blown away when I saw them troll their opponent by promoting their pawns to create the original minor-piece lineup and place them in the original 1st rank. Following that, they pushed the king around until checkmating by placing their final piece in the original place. Does anyone know what this is called, or have a link to a video of them performing this?


I happened to make a screenshot of a stream in which Finegold did this.


Nice! Thank you. Also since posting this, Aman actually posted a Youtube clip of him doing it again. Absolutely stunning. I think he premoved most of the action, too.


It's called the "reset mate" I believe, Aman just did it again today against a 2800 in a blitz game. Absolutely savage: