
Can we STOP people from STALLING?


I always play 10/10 tournament,but this stalling is so annoying..think about that u only have i step to do checkmate on opponent but the opponent is clever because tournament time almost finish but the opponent have 4 to 5min time and they wait until tournament time annoying..

kyroll1979 wrote:

I always play 10/10 tournament,but this stalling is so annoying..think about that u only have i step to do checkmate on opponent but the opponent is clever because tournament time almost finish but the opponent have 4 to 5min time and they wait until tournament time annoying..

That’s a quirk of how chessdotcom handles the end of Arena. On Lichess, the games finish, but no longer count towards the Arena score. There are merits to both systems.


I'm having this issue with someone in a daily game. They are clearly in a losing position. They'll make one move, and then turn on vacation pause. That causes all of their games to pause. But later, the same day, they might make a move, and then after my move they may wait a day, and then again go on vacation pause. I think there should be a restriction that after coming back from vacation pause, the pause cannot be used again for a number of days.

I stall in winning positions to take a break and calculate my future moves. 60% resign with this strategy when they are losing badly. ;-)

Beat to report if people are abusing this function

Just Report them

I never understood why this is against the rules. Yes it is annoying, but if you play an X min game, then it means you agree that you will spend your next 2X minutes on that game


Frankly, I love it when an opponent stalls a lost position. I never report them.




Stalling is pretty annoying, but if they are stalling I am winning so I don't care.
