
Can we STOP people from STALLING?


If people are stalling then best to report them,


Heyy guys I'm back! Thank you all so much for keeping this thread active!

@tomaswamy They stall in the hope that you’ll resign. You are just feeding the frenzy.
Stalling sucks
ChessFlair01 schreef:

Everyone is stalling in my rapid 10|0 games when they are losing!

I undoubtedly have come across many occasions where the person in your opposition gives up in rage and loss, but wants to punish their opponent just for devouring any hope of them winning. In annoyance the winning person has to wait until their opponent loses on time or they lose on game abandonment. During the stalled game, the winning person has to wait many minutes in boredom and time is lost. The people who have stalled to me occurred most when I was in lower ratings, but still bad sportsmanship still happens when someone is losing in utter anger.

I'm not blaming everyone, as most of you are nice. But I'm just asking if there is or will ever be a way to stop this insanity. The stalling people usually take 5-60 minutes. In my rapid games (for getting trophies for leagues) stallers often annoy me because this is wasting my time. The time that should be used to play chess.

Please stop.

+1 = agree

I had this one time on lichess, it was m1 for me but my opponent didn't wan't to make the move and just let the time run out.. I kindly said that he knew it was mate and admit the defeat.. he didn't so I gave him up to 20m extra time until he finally made a move so I could checkmate him.. Nhaha at the beginning I was a bit frustrated but after a while I thought by myself if he want's to play it like this.. I also can... I waited for over 20min until he finally made a move.. so the unevitable mate could be played ..

ChessFlair01 wrote:

Everyone is stalling in my rapid 10|0 games when they are losing!

I undoubtedly have come across many occasions where the person in your opposition gives up in rage and loss, but wants to punish their opponent just for devouring any hope of them winning. In annoyance the winning person has to wait until their opponent loses on time or they lose on game abandonment. During the stalled game, the winning person has to wait many minutes in boredom and time is lost. The people who have stalled to me occurred most when I was in lower ratings, but still bad sportsmanship still happens when someone is losing in utter anger.

I'm not blaming everyone, as most of you are nice. But I'm just asking if there is or will ever be a way to stop this insanity. The stalling people usually take 5-60 minutes. In my rapid games (for getting trophies for leagues) stallers often annoy me because this is wasting my time. The time that should be used to play chess.

Please stop.

+1 = agree

The majority on here at are not nice, most are vile a holes, chess players in general are mostly vile arrogant a holes.




The fact that till this day they haven't implemented the simplest and easy solution to this problem, i.e. time limit per move (e.g. 2 mins) is beyond all understanding and human logic.




This is why I never play >15:00 time controls. There is no need for more than 15-20 minutes anyway. If you're taking that long, you're either lagging or in a really horrible position and too stubborn to resign. Exceptions are not common enough to justify it.


It's easy, if your opponent stalls just resign and you'll get a new game without having to deal with stalling!

Vonbishoffen wrote:

It's easy, if your opponent stalls just resign and you'll get a new game without having to deal with stalling!

it will charge points


"It's easy, if your opponent stalls just resign and you'll get a new game without having to deal with stalling!"

which is exactly what they want, and it will encourage them to do it more often

@Whiteknight Totally agree. That is why they do it. I believe once you report a Staller a clock is added when they fail to move after an allotted time.

It's easy if y'all just play bullet


Of course they can be stopped from stalling, but our useless team refuses to care and add the simplest solution, i.e. time limit per move (e.g. 90 secs or 2 mins). I honestly was quite shocked this wasn't there the first time I played the game.

Many users including myself continue to suffer from this prominent problem, and, quite honestly at this point, deliberately doesn't do anything about it. It has now become a punishment when you're winning to sit and wait like a clown waiting for the opponent's clock to run out. This is a strategy used by several trolls to annoy you and persuade you to resign.

I've complained to support about this possibly over 5 times now with multiple instances of proofs, and they refused to add a time limit saying that people sometimes need more time to make a move, and they have seen the same from matches of top chess players in world tournaments. To this day the irony of that statement is funny. They clearly don't see the difference between a world tournament and a casual mobile game, where playerbase is completely different. Also, in my entire matches history I have never seen a player take more than 2 mins for a move, unless they are stalling the whole game out. Even if players did take more than 2 mins for a move, they naturally won't have much time for the rest of the moves which in turn can lead to timeout for them, which is why it makes even more sense to add a limit to remind people and have a balanced time game for them.

I know some people suggest playing 3 or 5 min, but that's a completely different kind of game where you have to use speed and luck rather than the real essence of strategy. It makes no sense to change your game mode just because people are trolling in other modes. Fix the trolls rather than running away from the problem. P.S., even in 5 mins I've seen people stall where they lose a piece early, and waste a whole 4 mins to troll you.

Sadly, they know really well about all the problems and all the possible solutions but don't fix it on purpose. This non-support is a strategy used by several apps to have a large user base, i.e. to allow people to troll. If they stop people from trolling, they will lose out on a large number of trolls and basically a large number of players. They don't care about good or bad, only numbers matter, which results in more users and in turn more revenue. Pathetic

