
Can the London be refuted?


I am a late intermediate player and I've just released how many people at my level play the London! (OTB and online) Do you guys know if it can be refuted?


I don’t think so


This is a mainline opening which can't outright refuted like unsound gambits and opening blunders. However, the London System is unambitious and it isn't difficult for you to choose your setup against it as white rarely puts pressure on black's setup and they have many good ones to choose from.

Short answer is, "No. It can't be refuted like that." However, it is probably not the best opening choice white has, so black shouldn't really fear this opening.

Of course developing a piece on move 2 cannot be refuted. Most principled way for black includes c5 followed by Qb6, because move Bf4 left pawn b2 unprotected. But black have several other good setups. For example, king indian players will play g6, Bg7, d6 etc. against London also.

The biggest mistake againt the London is to believe it can be blown away. As black, we have to accept our role as the "responding" player and play patiently against the stodge. Maybe the London is good against impatient players...

London players are like wimpy men who go to an old fashioned dance and want the women to ask them to dance...

It surprises me, given your daily rating that the possibility of "refutation" occurs to you.


You can review my games that I always play Jobava London opening (playing as white) and Scandinavian defense convert to London opening (playing as black)

The main advantage by using this opening is that I can always gain tempo and make attack to the opponent castled king before the opponent have chance to attack.

London opening is not what boring or drawish opening but exciting and winnable opening.


Any opening where you stake a position in the center, rapidly develop your pieces, and castle early is going to be pretty damn hard to "refute."




The London can't be refuted. But there are many ways for Black to comfortably equalize against it.

One of the easiest ways (IMO) is to just to play your bishops against White's bishops.

Many London players dislike this kind of defense, because it neutralizes their game pretty quickly.



You know what’s weird about the london? The queen is still alive.
BadPlayerEasyToBeat wrote:
You know what’s weird about the london? The queen is still alive.

Ba-dum CH~


Short answer: no

long answer: no


So many London haters. Magnus plays the London. Let's see some of you geniuses beat him.


Try to play g6 systems against the london it allows for more dynamic positions rather than the boring positions noramlly in the london

#14 I’m not wrong 🤔🤔🤔

Can the London be refuted?



To refute the London, you must understand what it is doing.

The London is trying to control the Dark Squares, but you don’t have to let them win.

You can try to control and fight for Dark Squares too!


To beat the London, you need a King!

They only have a Queen.

The King’s Indian Defense will take them down!

BadPlayerEasyToBeat wrote:
#14 I’m not wrong 🤔🤔🤔

I know. "Ba-dum CH" is the sound of a drumkit, after the punchline of a joke. It's called a "rimshot".

Snare, bass, crash. Ba-dum CH!

AlexanderDona wrote:

I am a late intermediate player and I've just released how many people at my level play the London! (OTB and online) Do you guys know if it can be refuted?

Setups with a pawn on d6 will frustrate most beginners and intermediate players who play the London without knowing much about chess in general.


I don't think so