
Best opening moves


What are the best or your favorite opening moves in a game of chess as white or black

I prefer the Scotch opening for White

The Scotch opening begins with e4 and e5, right?

There is no such thing as best opening, otherwise every GM would play it. And opening does not matter when you blunder your pieces. But i agree that Scotch is good opening. (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4. 4.Nxd4) it teaces you to play in the center and develop pieces of both flannks. I am mad on students who play Italian with Nc3 and d3, never play in the center and never ever move rook from a1.

I like 1.d4 London System to get my pieces out unmolested. Of course some players try the Englund but I'm ready for that also.


Im kinda new to chess and was wondering how to read the board. I know the stuff like g4 and b3 with 2 numbers but like, Nf3? Where does the extra number come from?

Sorry if this question is hard to understand. Like I said, I am new- ish to this so I may not know all the terms


The best way to play a good opening is to close it. XD