
Average rating for children that are about 12 yrs old


So I’m below average… sad. Than again I have only been playing for 2 years

It definitely varies due to the amount of dedication one has to chess. For example, my friend on lichess was 1278 in classical when he was 12, while I was rated 1721.
100cuz 23yrs are bad
ChrisWainscott wrote:

Like everything else it depends on how much time is devoted to the game.

It's not uncommon to see 12 year olds who are rated either 600 or 1600.

If you enjoy playing just keep working at it and you will continue to improve. The most important thing you can learn is HOW to study, because that will help you not only with chess but also in school and with life in general.

I know that when I was your age I considered "studying" to be flipping through a book on chess and just reading the words without playing through the lines, or maybe just playing over the first few moves of a game and none of the annotations. It was a total waste of time and I learned nothing.

It took me until I was an adult to learn that you get more out of spending two hours going over one annotated game slowly and carefully and trying to understand each move than you do from quickly going through a few games and not understanding them.

Good luck to you!

im 12 and 1800 but i kind of just play chess games and analyse(look at game review and my accuracy)

before i had a coach


yeah if ur 12 and not world champ supergm u suck and should quit ngl


well I'm 12 and I am about 950 rapid but I can beat 1400-1500


im 12 and im 700


I'm 12, and I am about 1000, but I do not know, because my chesskid rating is around 1300. It might be because of sandbaggers, or just a skill issue on my part.

Chess com ratings don’t matter it is the effort you put in

As I was reading I thought the average is 1550 because I beat the 1500 bot but when I saw the 2000 person I was frustrated 😔


I am 1020 but I beat 1500 pretty easy


well for the average we have to account for those who have never played chess, let's give them an elo of 0, so average would be 50

thawzinwinhtut12 wrote:

im 12 and im 700

1600 now and still 12

crypticplague wrote:

Hello everybody, im 12 and im wondering what is the average rating for a kid, 8 - 12 in range?

Hi im 11 years old

in fide rating i think the average is 1500-1800

but obvi im not sure and no one can really say that someone is bad based on your rating compared to this so it doesnt really matter.


fide meaning international rating


and mine is 1600


I am too 12 year old but I have an international dfide rating of 1600


Im 15, When I was 12 I knew I was horrible at chess.....

Kanav_Gupta2012 wrote:

I am too 12 year old

The guy who opened this thread is 24 years old now.


#120 exactly... people just make these forms to attract attention