
Are's puzzles getting harder?


In the same time period that my lichess puzzles went from 1800 to 2100, my dropped from 2500 to 2300

Is's puzzles getting harder?


They may be yeah. I recently tried some puzzles after a long break from them, and there were a couple I wouldn't have been able to solve in a year. Definitely felt like they were harder than a while ago, whereas in my games I don't feel like I've become worse, but rather the opposite.


I'm sorry


I think they have got harder since around March 2023. In Puzzle Rush Survival I would usually get around 30 using my 3 lives (my record is 36). Now I struggle to get to 25. My rating has gone up however so I don't think I'm getting worse 😃 I'm 1100.


I don't think Puzzle Rush puzzles are getting harder (my score is gradually increasing on all modes), but the 2000-2200 regular puzzles I was previously solving are now straight up crazy. Like, there's no way. At all. Some of them don't even make sense to me after computer analysis - like line "A" is wrong, materially equal to line "B", which is the correct solution, and there are no tactics following, just a whole game there waiting that the CPU knows you're "winning". These guys typically have 20%, 30% pass rates (for many of these seems actually pretty suspiciously high, I digress) and the ratings are never fixed. Should they be normalized to 50% at-rating? Or some %, pick a number....
Meanwhile, the daily have gone the other way, most are all now boring snoozers. =/
I wish these things were normalized, tested, or otherwise calibrated better.


You are right, I agree with you.