
Are Brilliant Moves scaled to ELO rating?


Would a move always be classified as "brilliant" regardless of the player's ELO rating?

Say a 600 rated player makes a move that the analysis classifies as brilliant in the game review. Would a 1200 rated player's game review also classify that move as brilliant?

Say a low rated player finds a move that most commensurately rated players would not likely find, but higher level players would consistently find. Might the game review classify that move in the low rated player's review as brilliant, but only as "great move" in the game review of the higher rated player?

Put simply, is ELO rating a consideration in the classification of "brilliant moves"?


A recent game classified a move of mine as 'brilliant' and I felt proud. But then wondered if the game review was acting kind of like how Dads act when playing games with their kids; letting them win to make them feel good lol


I played 2 identical openings and got brilliant on a move during one game and a great move on the same move in another game. one was a blitz game where I’m rated 1000 and one was a bullet where I’m rated 1300. The computer gave me a brilliant on a lower rated game.




Yes, for a beginner, the algorithm that defines brilliant movs is less strict than for a master.


today i just got a brillant move in a game i got so excited


finally for the first time in my life i just hit a brilliant knight sacrfice im rated 800


See @thleader12435 how have you made your first move when you are at elo 800 and how have a made 3 brilliant moves when I am not even 200 elo??! Also 2 briliant moves I have made in one day that was yesterday from all the 3 and also all the 3 were a sacrifice pls tell me how you made your 1st brilliant move when you are at 800 hundred elo so high and btw my brother is same to same 800 elo but has never made a brilliant moves how bro?!


My opponent got 2 brilliant moves in a game


i got a brilliant move today that basically makes my opponent in a zuszwang and has to force to give up his rook or queen or it will be forced checkmate


From the Support pages:


We replaced the old Brilliant algorithm with a simpler definition: a Brilliant move is when you find a good piece sacrifice.


There are additional conditions:

  • You should not be in a bad position after a Brilliant move

  • You should not be completely winning even if you hadn't found the move.

We are also more generous in defining a piece sacrifice for newer players compared to those who are higher-rated.


So basically, No body knows the answer? thumbdown


Someone might be able to read what justbefair linked. I can't, even if I highlight the text, it's still unreadable.

Seriously, white letters against a white background?


Normally, a chess engine or analyzer has no idea about your actual rating. Each move is rated individually (how it is rated depends on the software and configuration). Edit: yes, seems like motivates beginners with more brilliancy indicators.

That's weird.

#15 just squint ur eyes