
Analysis option no longer showing up at end of game


When I first started playing on here last fall, game review and analysis had separate tabs in the "You won!/lost" pop up at the end of the game. Analysis provided a less comprehensive review of the game essentially showing the top three lines for each move of the game and the related evaluation for each of those moves. Then Game Review just started appearing alone, but an analysis tab would show up beneath the window to the right of the board that records the moves from the game, and if I clicked on it, it opened up a new window that showed the top three lines for each move of the game again.  But now that seems to have disappeared as well? Is this a bug? Has Analysis moved somewhere else? Or did remove this functionality altogether? I found an analysis tab under learn but it doesn't seem to open up specific games from my archive. Any thoughts?

.... And for those who think I've talking about Game Review -- I'm not. Game Review has always been limited for my free account to once per day, while Analysis was unlimited. 


Try telling the bug... I don't have any problem, maybe your app is outdated


thanks @beastAra123. I'll report it. Thought maybe it just moved and I was missing its new location.

They definitely did it intentionally, I click the game review button then select the analysis tab when the pop up appears

Yes, I used it and it helped understand move mistakes and strategies to improve. Now only Game review is there which seems to allow one free review per day. Have to decide if you want to pay for more reviews/analysis, live without it and less learning, or go elsewhere.


@knownobob @1e4c6O-1 I discovered today that the little magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the moves window opens a new analysis tab like the old button used to do. If you hover over it, it says “Self-analysis.” It’s in the last one in the row with the share icon. Still free that way. Try that. Hope it helps.


That is a HUGE help, THANKS!