
Aborting a game


I created a random seek, and the other person has made their first move.  If I click Abort button on the bottom does it count as my loss, or is the game simply canceled, with no point loss.

The reason I don't want to play that particular member, is because he has 9 games, and all of them are wins.  Though most of them are against weaker players, I'd rather play someone who lost at least once.

benws wrote:

why don't you want to play someone better than you? that's teh only way you can improve. and being undefeated deosn't mean you're good,

It's not that I don't want to play anyone better than me.  You'll notice from my record that I have almost as many losses as I have wins, and my average opponent rating is over 1600.  But if I see somebody that won 9 games in a row, and lost none, I get suspicious.  

eternal21 wrote: benws wrote:

why don't you want to play someone better than you? that's teh only way you can improve. and being undefeated deosn't mean you're good,

It's not that I don't want to play anyone better than me.  You'll notice from my record that I have almost as many losses as I have wins, and my average opponent rating is over 1600.  But if I see somebody that won 9 games in a row, and lost none, I get suspicious.  

 It is not unusual for players with a low number of games to have yet to lose if they have yet to reach a rating reflective of their skill and have been facing lesser competition.

tbierig wrote: eternal21 wrote: benws wrote:

why don't you want to play someone better than you? that's teh only way you can improve. and being undefeated deosn't mean you're good,

It's not that I don't want to play anyone better than me.  You'll notice from my record that I have almost as many losses as I have wins, and my average opponent rating is over 1600.  But if I see somebody that won 9 games in a row, and lost none, I get suspicious.  

 It is not unusual for players with a low number of games to have yet to lose if they have yet to reach a rating reflective of their skill and have been facing lesser competition.

 I agree - and even though the player in question had a rating of only 1650, I looked at his games against players rated 1800, and he was on his way to winning them as well.  Another reason I declined the game.  I don't learn much by getting obliterated by players rated 2000.  My ieal opponent is within 100 points of my rating.

Unfortunately, i'm not sure how good I am because everytime I play someone rated as high as me or higher they always cheat. In fact, most of the higher rated players are cheats, atleast I believe so because I have played this game a long time.
nah ,,, how can they beat cheats... they must just be good... but im sure everyone has their down days.

How could anyone cheat at chess? I've only been playing online for a week or so, but I've been playing chess for 10 years. Checkers you can cheat at, maybe, but not chess.


yea i no wot u mean... surely there is no possible way of cheatin... if there is sum1 let me no i need 2 get my rating higher (joke) lol
