
A message for people on "Vacation"


              So on there is a way to place games on hold for a bit so that you do not lose a game due to time. I believe this is a great feature.  Maybe you are going on vacation, and maybe that vacation destination has no computers or Internet connections! I'm not sure where that could be but for argument sack I will just put it out there.  For those of us in the northern part of the US, this could be a possibility but even those hole in the wall places have dial up.  But I digress!!!  OR maybe your ten times better than I am in chess (which is not hard to be) and you need to take a break because you've studied this game so intensely that you need a break.  But what I will not accept, (although it seems as though I have no choice) is someone who puts a game on hold (vacation) and starts three other games.  That is just recockulous! (yes that is a word)  If your going to put a game on hold for a good reason, have a good reason not just because you paid your 5 bucks this month and can.  Now I have to see this on my page "Your opponent is currently on vacation!
They have 15 days 23 hours of vacation time left, but may be back sooner." 
Are you kidding me, 16 days......... most big businesses don't give that amount of vacation time.  For god sack, the game is almost over and I'm actually playing well.  Now if this was some sort of true vacation, I would have nothing to say, but to start three new games is just BULLSH&T!!!!!!

P.S. Sorry for the negativity site monitors, just some nonsense that is even out of your hands!!


Just my 2 cents!!!!


"for argument sack" ??

"For god sack" ??

your = possessive

you're=you are


A message for willis10 : I think you need a vacation. Go enjoy yourself, just get away from it all, for god sack !


Abusing vacation time can be a bit of a problem sometimes, especially if used as a stalling tactic... but such abuse can be reported to the admins I suppose.

I have only used the vacation feature three separate times: once when I had finals I needed to study for, once when I had food poisoning, and the most recent when things in life got a tad bit rough... but the point here is, that there is nothing wrong with using vacation time, just have a good reason to do so (I also usually notify my opponents or teammates if I am going to do so in advance - common courtesy).


I grant that in the US 2 weeks is a long vacation but having worked in many parts of the world, I can say that most people think of two weeks as a minimum vacation and not a maximum.


"god sack".... sounds like you're getting a little testy! Laughing


Why do people freak out because they will have to wait a few days to get 4 points added to their rating? Is rating so important?

Please, calm down, relax, this is just a game and we're here to have fun. Smile




I have lost 2 games in time-outs, for 3 days...!!!

It was impossible to reach any other computers in a reasonable time believe me!!!

And I even gave my password via cellphone to a very good friend...

who didn't care how much it was important to me!!!




it annoys me because it holds up tournaments and the people are playing other games. vacation as vacation is fine but if you are in a tournament it holds up a whole unrelated group of people. i dont think its about points at all notwithstanding the tournament issue i mention. willis's post is about people playing other games when they are on "vacation." it should be all or nothing.


You can't play games while you are on vacation, you have to untick the vacation box to play your games!


you should check some people on vacation and look at the dates of their games. obviously you speak from the theory of vacation use not the reality for many players. you untick make moves then retick. vacation time stays intact.


I have a god sack.

I use it during my 6 weeks annual vacation time, yes Willis10, 6 weeks! 

Very handy for carrying my clothes for my holidays,so it is!


I don't use vacation mode for when I'm on a trip; I use it for when I'm in crunch time at work and am unable to devote time to playing chess.

Bottom line, some people have lives outside the board.  They have every right to periods in their life where they simply can't attend to a game just for the sake of your impatience.  Deal with it.

willisl0 wrote:

              So on there is a way to place games on hold for a bit so that you do not lose a game due to time. I believe this is a great feature.  Maybe you are going on vacation, and maybe that vacation destination has no computers or Internet connections! I'm not sure where that could be but for argument sack I will just put it out there.  For those of us in the northern part of the US, this could be a possibility but even those hole in the wall places have dial up.  But I digress!!!  OR maybe your ten times better than I am in chess (which is not hard to be) and you need to take a break because you've studied this game so intensely that you need a break.  But what I will not accept, (although it seems as though I have no choice) is someone who puts a game on hold (vacation) and starts three other games.  That is just recockulous! (yes that is a word)  If your going to put a game on hold for a good reason, have a good reason not just because you paid your 5 bucks this month and can.  Now I have to see this on my page "Your opponent is currently on vacation!
They have 15 days 23 hours of vacation time left, but may be back sooner."  Are you kidding me, 16 days......... most big businesses don't give that amount of vacation time.  For god sack, the game is almost over and I'm actually playing well.  Now if this was some sort of true vacation, I would have nothing to say, but to start three new games is just BULLSH&T!!!!!!

P.S. Sorry for the negativity site monitors, just some nonsense that is even out of your hands!!


Just my 2 cents!!!!

 Listen, first, even when they are on vacation, they still lose the game when their vacation ends and they have to go back to game.. second, if you were really sorry for the negativity, you would not have hit the "submit" button.. derr.. and third, I am not tracking this, cause i dont like negative comments from negative players, so if you have something to say, PM me ;)

Spiffe wrote:

I don't use vacation mode for when I'm on a trip; I use it for when I'm in crunch time at work and am unable to devote time to playing chess.

Bottom line, some people have lives outside the board.  They have every right to periods in their life where they simply can't attend to a game just for the sake of your impatience.  Deal with it.

this is not about you or anyones proper use of vacation time. you arent advancing other games while you are on vacation. you probably went to school in the south so i'll overlook you reading comprehension issues. i guess that is what you are referring to when you say "deal with it".

amac7079 wrote:
Spiffe wrote:

I don't use vacation mode for when I'm on a trip; I use it for when I'm in crunch time at work and am unable to devote time to playing chess.

Bottom line, some people have lives outside the board.  They have every right to periods in their life where they simply can't attend to a game just for the sake of your impatience.  Deal with it.

this is not about you or anyones proper use of vacation time. you arent advancing other games while you are on vacation. you probably went to school in the south so i'll overlook you reading comprehension issues. i guess that is what you are referring to when you say "deal with it".

 Wrong side of the bed this morning?


You know, we have so many members from around the world, I think it's probably a good idea to avoid making fun of peoples' spelling. Maybe they're just typos--as in the case of our friend here--but sometimes it might be because English is not their first language. (Even a guy posting from Minnesota could have been transplanted there, doncha know.) I know it would take courage for me to post in a forum where they use Spanish or French, and we surely don't want people from other-than-English-speaking countries to be hesitant to post here because we might make fun if they make a typo or misspell something, right? :-]


i guess no one is abusing vacation, it is a right of everyone at his disposal, that's his decision not yours...why not go for vacation also...There is a time-frame for vacationm and you have to use it, this is a correspondence chess remember...everyone have schedule to prioritize


I'm used to it!