
1000 reasons you drawed a game


Try to come up with the most random reasons why you drew your game. I'll start first:

1. You were winning with material while your opponent only had their king. As you were about to checkmate them, you misclick your queen, which ended as a stalemate.

2. You were winning with 22 points of material. As you were about to demolish your opponent, it resulted in timeout vs. insufficient material. 

3. You were doing perpetual/repetition for fun when you were 38+ material and you made a draw. 

4. You were having one of the best games in your life. Your game was about 150+ moves and you were winning in the endgame. However, thanks to the 50-move rule, your game ended in a draw and now you are contemplating your life. 

5. You were winning with a 30+ material advantage but felt sympathy towards your opponent. You both agree on a draw. How kind of you. 

It would be nice for this forum to reach over 1000+ comments


Cuz my opponent is 2200 but ran out of time and accidentally stalmated.


This actually happened, and made it so I beat her in the arena we were playing in.


i drew my game because it started raining cats with parachutes


I drew my game because I picked up a pencil and sketched out the possible lines.


me brother


I had an easy ladder mate, but dinner was ready so I ran out of time.


Checkmate in 1

Draw by checkmate

A draw from a checkmate???


Draw because I was fasing my alt and offered a draw from both ends


@jackityjackjack wait actually?


@Kaleb341 I would do that too, but with arrows, not lines.


@HenryUrbanek Yes, very relatable.


drew my game when i was about to win but had to leave


Timeout vc Insufficent Material


@RWQFSFASXC2000 It's so irritating, right? When you are winning but you accidentally fased alt and offer a draw. My keyboard sometimes randomly does that, which is something I want to fix.


@jackityjackjack Yes, sometimes I would play against high-rated bullet players over 2000+ and they would mostly draw against me. The funny thing is that they're always winning as well. Until they accidentally do repetition, stalemate, or timeout vs. insufficient material.


@RWQFSFASXC2000 I think most people might possibly draw due to the fact they have to leave or go somewhere. For example, to go to a dentist appointment or their dinner was ready.


Draw because it started raining and my power cut off. When the power was back, my time ran out but it was draw by insuficient material