
10 Steps For Getting Good At Chess Fast


#20 ,I always lead in opening, my two weakest link is middlegame(if you can't win middlegame you cannot win endgame) and endgame. A paradox somewhat.


Thanks! this should help for the future


Very helpful guide! Thank you!!!grin


I believe 20/40/40 rule would be perfect

DesperateKingWalk wrote:

Here is the best training video to raise your Elo.

Good video! Very cheerful and great dance skills.

DesperateKingWalk wrote:

Here is the best training video to raise your Elo.

They can dance a lot better than I can play chess!😂


These... Are actually good

LETSPLAY1955 wrote:
DesperateKingWalk wrote:

Here is the best training video to raise your Elo.

They can dance a lot better than I can play chess!😂

Same here, lol.


Excellent list 👍🏽


Blitz games will expose you to more tactics. This is a valid point. I come from a contrary view. Playing too many games may increase dopamine dramatically which could result in addiction to playing blitz paced or even bullet paced games. Rapid games offer the excellent benefit of allocating time to work through the actual calculations. While you did come up with very good logic, I think you missed that it could be addicting and you may want to consider actually being able to think and have more fun. I also understand you may not have time to play. There are usually ways around that. I would like to approach that view as a psychological trick your mind plays on you. Please remember that most of your thoughts are repetitive and may result in a mindset, so saying that you don't have time to play chess means it's more likely you won't be able to improve. Thank you for the article, author! I enjoyed reading it quite extensively. I will read the other articles mentioned in this one. I would like to disagree with the fact or theory that playing over the board chess is absolutely necessary, due to people and video game skills. It is valuable because people need to spend more time with others rather than staring at this screen.


You don't have time to play, means you womt be able to improve your ability to play chess as often which means you won't be able to improve. Sorry about that, those words were confusing. Also, author! You might want to work on the grammar just a touch. Advice does not need the word a directly before it.


Really a helpful list

I can only see until the start of 2nd point. Is it a glitch or how do I scroll?

Good tips happy.png


I am going to use this as my library and a path to improve my chess game, it is extremely helpful and insightful.

hellnek0 wrote:

thx for the tips


I agree that practising offline is best




idk what is going on????


shut up