Is this some kind of joke...?
What is the worlds most beautiful checkmate?
That's a Thunder-Mate - yes, this is the most beautiful. Chess is art.
Thunder-Mate = Double Check, but attacked king has no escape-square.
Very nice check out my awesome mates here My Best Games-Mates
Here is one checkmate I love which I got in a game, but "best" is tough to determine and maybe this isn't the "best" - but it is cool.
This one was funny. I had 10 seconds left, premoved a check... and it was mate.
Beautiful ! This is beyond human touch, G-d has helped you create this. You're probably either a very good person, or have done something Really special that day. (I'm not being cynical/sarcastic). - Too asthetically-pleasing. Work of Art.
or maybe you're humble - G-d love the humble:
"Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth" (Numbers 12 : 3)
(since you call yourself little and pig)
Okay, enough preaching. sorry. bye.
Its not the most beautiful mate I pulled off, but it's definitely the funniest for me. Both me and my opponent were very low on time and out of instinct he took my hanging bishop... and just like that the position went from about -8 to mate in 1. I was like "Welp, at least I can check them again" and it turned out to be a mate. XD
this one is pretty. its not the best game, but definitely a nice checkmate.