english or spanish
Both please
If you cant do both do english
This is the most brilliant move I ever made. A queen sacrifice that leads to a mate! Please post your queen sacrificed games if you have one.
Wow nice!!!
"The greatest queen sacrifice ever!"
Did you mean this for real? I know you're satisfied, but...really?
How rude, it was a brilliant move and as you are not bobby fischer you cannot talk.
"The greatest queen sacrifice ever!"
Did you mean this for real? I know you're satisfied, but...really?
But it was a brilliant move, AND A MATE!
"The greatest queen sacrifice ever!"
Did you mean this for real? I know you're satisfied, but...really?
But it was a brilliant move, AND A MATE!
Wow, it took you only 14 years to come up with this reply. Good job.
not the greatest queen sacrifice ever. The greatest queen sacrifice ever would lead to a windmill. although it is pretty good.
Umm the letters look like in Excel order...