
The shortest game in history - Guiness record


2. Nd2 looks so ugly, what's that about?

cofail wrote:

why did white resign??


This is known as a 'queen checkmate'. If takes he gets mated, so it's a queen for the knight.
Personally, I would have played on a bit longer because white has some potential for quick development.

obelix101 wrote:

This is a rough translation from a norwegian Guinness book of Records, from 1968:

The shortest game ever registered between two grand masters, was in four moves. Lazard defeated Gibaud in a chess cafè in Paris in 1924.

In my hand I have a copy of "1000 short games of Chess" by IRVING CHERNEV

Published in 1955 Simon & Schuster New York, N. Y.

The very first game is listed as shown . . .

= = = = 

This is the short game ever played between MASTERS in tournament competition. 

It ends in a knockout in four moves . . .

Paris, 1924


1 P-Q4. KT-KB3

2. KT-Q2. P-K4

3 Px P. KT-KT5

4. P-KR3 KT-K6

Instead of retreating the Knight hurls himself into the enemy camp with an attack on the Queen. 

White resigns , as capturing the Knight would be answered by 5 . . . Q-R5ch, forcing mate.

= = = = 

Chernev wrote on March 13, 1954 when he wrote the book . . .

 "It is my hope that they will give you the pleasure they have given me."

 I purchased this book from Thrifty books on line . . .


Why did white resign? I think there may have been a way to get out of that. F2 takes E3


That was fast! 

Frenchmaster2 wrote:

Why did white resign? I think there may have been a way to get out of that. F2 takes E3

You should try to figure out what happens after that. It's a good puzzle.

Surely someone has gotten fools Mated

Not any longer I suppose. Magnus Carlsen resigned to Hans Niemann after only 2 moves.

obelix101 wrote:
Chessy4000 wrote:

why did white resign??

Because he either had to lose his queen or open up his king

and if he took the knight, black had checkmate in two moves


As a grandmaster my self i feel there was no maidens present.

dragon27 wrote:

I think this is a wrong statement... THe two move checkmate is the shortest game in history... i even know some people who resign after thier first move, SO THIS IS FAKE! ;)

That's true except it wan't between two Grandmasters.


Why did white resign


Magnus Carlsen played a game that was only 1 move long! He played with the white pieces and played the grob opening and black resigned on the first move because he didn't to be disrespected by a trash opening. Magnus also beat many other GMs with the grob in the championship a few years ago.


Magnus resigned against Niemann in 1 move so that's the shortest game ever

Christianoronaldo777 wrote:

Why did white resign

d4, Nf6, Nd2, e5, dxe5, Ng4, h3, Ne3!

If fxe3, then Qh4+, g3, Qxg3 mate

Or if white doesn't take the knight on e3 Nxd1 Queen gone, white loses.




black was completely win but he was stupid and gave stalemate angry


shortest game