
Some of your best wins ever


Your games may be picked for a short blog, about different levels of chess.


Hmm, I'd have to look to see if I find any good ones


These are probably my best otb classical wins. But my level is definetely higher than my current rating around 1800. Or are you searching only for online blitz wins?

From the rated Malaysia vs Canada match:
From an OTB tournament decades ago. Classical 40-in-2 time control.
Another old game, from another OTB tournament at classical time controls.

Here's an old game of mine, when I was playing a lot of chess back in the 90s. It was the 2nd time I beat one of the GM personalities for the ChessMaster (6000 I think, but it might have been the 4000? The header originally said 4000, but I think I got that wrong as the annotations are from the 6000). I can't recall the time control (the 15s/move noted in the annotations was for the analysis, but this game might have been set to play at 10s/move, and I think the 2nd one was at 40 moves/2 hours). I tried to removed a bunch of the CM's annotations where it just says things like "check's black's king", etc, but must have messed up as the game didn't load properly, so have edited it as is. Both games are reflective of anti-computer ideas of keeping the board as closed as possible.

And this was my 3rd win, this time at tournament settings. I've not edited out all the trivial comments from the annotations here either.

And this one is more recent, and was from when a buddy and I were playing each week OTB at the pub.  We would play all sorts of openings to try and mix it up, and I tossed out the "Centre Game" on one (and only one!) occasion - he was expecting me to play an Italian, as I like that, but I suspected he had prepared something for me and he was a better player.  So catching him with this surprise choice was quite rewarding, though he took revenge on me after that.  happy.png

Nikolas3527 wrote:

These are probably my best otb classical wins. But my level is definetely higher than my current rating around 1800. Or are you searching only for online blitz wins?

Thank you for the games, I can use both classical, rapid and blitz!


Thanks a lot for your games @blueemu @AngusByers



well i am not very good but this game played in bullet 30 sec

BetterThanCar1sen wrote:

well i am not very good but this game played in bullet 30 sec

Crazy sacrifice

[Event "Online Game"]
[Site " iPhone"]
[Date "2024.04.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "aanurag7"]
[Black "Arsh_Raj"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]
[WhiteElo "731"]
[BlackElo "760"]
[Termination "aanurag7 won by checkmate"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 f6 4.O-O Nh6 5.Nc3 a6 6.d4 exd4 7.Nxd4 b5 8.Nxc6 dxc6 9.Qxd8+ Kxd8 10.Be2 f5 11.exf5 11.Bxf5 Bg5+ 12.Kc8 Rad1 13.Bxc2 Rd8+ 14.Kb7 Rxa8 15.Kxa8 Bf3 16.Kb7 Rc1 17.Bd3 Ne4 18.Nf5 Nc5+ 19.Bxc5 Rxc5 20.Nd4 a4 21.Ne6 Bxc6+ 22.Kb6 b4 23.Nxc5 axb5 24.Ne6 Be3+ 25.Nc5 Bxc5# {1-0}
Loll!! How do you guys share games here?? Sorry I am new
aanurag7 hat geschrieben:
Loll!! How do you guys share games here?? Sorry I am new

Click on the chess board above the text field.


is this only works from PC?


It works on mobile as well


Here's a game I played recently:

It was a bit inaccurate, but I wanted to be aggressive that game.

JayDB24 wrote:

Your games may be picked for a short blog, about different levels of chess.

Please paste blog i will read it and could you please put minee on it here it is.


Crazy sacrifices that worked.... I'm playing as white. I blunder on move 13 and left myself open to a pawn fork. It made me realize that I might as well sacrifice a piece or two to open things up. It worked. Black resigns at move 28.


all i have are bullet and daily so i will send a bullet 1 min game

his rook was covering the passed pawn and g7 and i overloaded the rook