
Post your best bot games here


It's against Lukai since it doesn't say for some reason.

Old_Archimedes I played at a 2700 elo against Count Morphy while he played at a 3100 elo. I had 87.6% vs 96.8% accuracy.


Just had a nice win against frankenisla. She's vulnerable to the Danish Gambit!


Very nice. The Danish Gambit is sometimes played at the top level.


Finally got a win over Oscar..though he vanished from the bot roster after the last mobile app update a few days ago. That's disappointing as that was a good bot for me to train with but who knows, perhaps this bot needed some revamping/changes..or they're preparing a new one to fill that slot *shrug*

Edit: I just realized that because of the Duolingo bot Oscar, the 2100 Oscar had to take a break as apparently bots can't have the same name..? The real Oscar will likely return after the Duolingo promotion ends.


This game is against the 2000 rated Li bot but once again the names are missing from the pgn. From what I gather, if you press game review before save it'll auto save it with no names.


oyjunior-Caesar (1350)


Bot games have become a staple in the gaming world, offering players unique challenges and immersive experiences. Among the best, "Portal 2" stands out with its ingenious puzzles and witty dialogue delivered by the charmingly villainous AI, GLaDOS. "Detroit: Become Human" offers a narrative-driven experience where players control lifelike androids in a story rich with moral choices and branching paths.


In chess endgames, the queen is a powerful piece that can dominate the board with its ability to move any number of squares in any direction—horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The queen's versatility makes it a crucial asset in endgame strategies, often used to control key squares, deliver checks, and support the promotion of pawns. Effective use of the queen involves balancing aggressive attacks with precise positional play to outmaneuver the opponent.


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