
max lange


I am particularly proud of this game.

im a 1300+ avg blitz player on chessmaster(1350-1550s avg on yahoo)

I have some varied opening knowledge, i would normally consider myself a defensive , opportunistic, positional player who prefers to play black. I also like to play gambits at times to mix things up.

this is a game against a stronger (1620s ) player under a tight time limit(3mins each).

the 3 minutes seemed like 3 hours...i was in a zone, i was seeing  the board in a different way then i ever had before, and it felt great.

yes , my opponent made a few poor move choices but i think this game still holds some beauty in how it played out.

i commented on the game to give an idea of where my mind was that day, enjoy.

nice game

It's not Max Lange attack.

Max Lange begins after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. 0-0 Bc5 6. e5

In this game after 4. ... Nxe4 better 5. dxe5 with a treat Qd5 +/- .