
Longest online game - 500 moves!


Hello everybody!

I post it here to present you the longest online chess drama (probably) ever played. We hit a limit, although our target was 1000. I hope you'll enjoy this game. It has a lot of funny positions, bishop moves, circles ect.

Here is the game:

And the link: 

Comments appreciated!



hmm,nothing to say from a tactical point of view!


Hahahahahah, I agree! Where You got energy for that?


How long that game lasted?


When chess meets weed...








haha me and a friends a couple years ago tried this but just simply got bored with doing it we stopped somewhere in the low 300s!


its not a record cause of the 50move rule I believe.


OH match fixhing eh ? Surprised 


I think we played 50 moves the most. Then there's a capture or pawn move.


  • Chessmaster102, we did 200 moves in 2 day, mostly "conditional moves". Look at the last 200 moves - black side.
  • Ardweaden, energy? Ne vem! Morda ti veš? (I don't know, do you, maybe?) Laughing
  • John_Doe18:

Start: Mar 11, 2012 | Time: 1 move per 10 days
White: MSC157 - 10 days left
Black: KimJongUn - 10 days left


Here is our chat during the game:

MSC157: "Le" še 58 iger imam!

KimJongUn: The longest tournament chess game (in terms of moves) ever to be played was Nikolić-Arsović, Belgrade 1989, which lasted for 269 moves and took 20 hours and 15 minutes to complete a drawn game.[1][2] At the time this game was played, FIDE had modified the fifty-move rule to allow 100 moves to be played without a piece being captured in a rook and bishop versus rook endgame, the situation in Nikolić versus Arsović. FIDE has since rescinded that modification to the rule. The longest decisive tournament game is Fressinet–Kosteniuk, Villandry 2007, which Kosteniuk won in 237 moves.[2][3] The last 116 moves were a rook and bishop versus rook ending, as in Nikolić – Arsović. Fressinet could have claimed a draw under the fifty-move rule, but did not do so since neither player was keeping score, it being a rapid chess game. Earlier in the tournament, Korchnoi had successfully invoked the rule to claim a draw against Fressinet; the arbiters overruled Fressinet's argument that Korchno

MSC157: Prvič si izmenjava pri 30-40, ok?

KimJongUn: ok

MSC157: What thee f. je igral 2306?! Barthod (ali nekaj takega)...

KimJongUn: Kaj? Kateri? Tisto zanimivo variacijo Pirca?

MSC157: mhm

MSC157: Naredi kondišne za mojo kraljico.

MSC157: Jaz bom šel tako: Qe4, Qd3, Qd2, Qd1, in potem e1, f1, g1, f1, e1, d1, e1, f1... In tako naprej

MSC157: Naredil sem kondišneza Nh6, Ng8, Nh6, Ng8...ok? :)

MSC157: Haha, epic zapis na "Moves"

KimJongUn: Bi bil zelo zadovoljen, če bi umaknil f3 konja in d2 tekača.

KimJongUn: želim dati kralja na e1.

KimJongUn: Bi te prosil, da umakneš a2 trdnjavo.

KimJongUn: Naredil bom Kondišnl mufs, za ponavlajočo Rc6-Rb6, Ti pa prosim pojdi Ra3, Rb3, Rb4,Rc4 itd.

KimJongUn: Hvala.

MSC157: Do Rc5, ali tudi v desno, torej Rd5

MSC157: ?

MSC157: Lepo bi te prosil, če lahko premakneš: Bd8, Be7 Ba3, Bc1 - naredil sem kondišne

MSC157: Nujno poglej tu, kaj moraš narediti!

MSC157: THEN... IF... 178. Rf5 179. Rf3 Rf4 180. Rg3 Rf3 181. Rh3 Rg3 182. Rh4 Rh3 183. Rh8 Rh1 184. Ra8 Rh2 185. d5 Rh3 186. d6 Rh4 187. d7 Rh5 188. Ke7 Rh6 189. d8=N Rh7 190. Ke6 Rh6 191. Kd7 Rh5 192. Nc6 Rh4 193. Nb8 Rh3 194. Ke7 Rh2 195. Kd8

MSC157: Torej: Rf5, Rf4, Rf3, Rg3, Rh3, Rh1 in potem Rh2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7+, h6, h5, h4, h3, h2 in Rh1

MSC157: Ok?

MSC157: 200!

MSC157: Lahko prosim igraš b6? Da bom fiančetal bišopa :)

MSC157: Imaš kaj v planu? Jaz bom namreč enkrat kmalu razporedil figure na d-linijo.

MSC157: Ti bi jih lahko pa na h-linijo. Kralja bi imela v 5 vrsti. Bi?

MSC157: Je res, da tudi "pawn move" resetira štetje 50-tih potez?

KimJongUn: Ne vem.

MSC157: Ko bo potrebno, ti bom vzel enega od dvojnih kmetov. Umaknm ti tudi konja na d2, da boš lahko prišel

MSC157: ...z R in N mimo. Evo, tebi manjka še 9 potez.

KimJongUn: Ni treba.

KimJongUn: Bom šel naokoli.

KimJongUn: Bi igral (na vlaku) 60 minut za 40 potez in potem 15min+30 za

KimJongUn: 15min+30s za dokončanje igre?

MSC157: Seveda bi! Paziti bomo morali le na tresoč vlak, sicer bo odlično :)

MSC157: Hehehe, kaj zdaj?

KimJongUn: Kaj kaj zdaj?

KimJongUn: Ne vem.

KimJongUn: Kako ti uganeš moje misli?

KimJongUn: Že dvakrat si naredil conditionalse, čeprav nisi mogel zagotovo vedeti kaj bom igral - in si zadel.

MSC157: Po občutku, kar bi igral jaz. Hja, očitno bo na vlaku remi :)

MSC157: Že vem! Pojdi s trdnjavo na h8, jaz bom šel s svojo na d8. Potem bova pa v krogu premikala bele B

MSC157: Pa da ne bo check-a. Torej, ti boš šel Bg4, Bf5, Bd3, Be2, Bf1, Bh3 - dva kroga.

MSC157: Pravzaprav, samo Be4 preskoči, kajti ko boš igral Bg2+ lahko jaz igram Be4...

MSC157: Oziroma ne...Harhar. Brez checkov :)

MSC157: Mimogrede, oba sva spregledala okrog 10 matov v 1 potezi. Ti okrog 110. poteze, jaz pa sedaj, ko bi lahko 250.Qxh4#, torej od 235-250 poteze (nekaj matov v 1 je bilo tukaj, tudi Qxg6)...)

MSC157: Od 930-980 mi boš skušal pojesti trdnjavo (bova šla K+R vs. K+Q).

MSC157: 15days :D

MSC157: Premakni nekaj drugega!

MSC157: 289 (samo toliko, da ne pozabiva, kdaj bo konec 50-ih potez)

MSC157: 339. Se ti da premikati tekača tako kot do sedaj, jaz bom pa kralja spravil na a6. Bom že...

MSC157: 338...g5, za vsak slučaj...

MSC157: 388

KimJongUn: 400!

MSC157: :)

MSC157: 486

KimJongUn: Pozicijo pred 2 potezama sem dal v Fritza: evalvacija je -0,13!!!

KimJongUn: Oziroma 0,09.

KimJongUn: Pri 500. potezi:

MSC157: Res?! No, kot kaže je zelo izenačena igra! Hehe

KimJongUn: Več kot deset.

KimJongUn: Zate.

MSC157: No, zanimivo.

MSC157: Kaj ti pa vzamem?

KimJongUn: 500. Nxf6 bi moral.

KimJongUn: Po moji potezi 500...Bf3 pa je 0,44.

MSC157: Kaj pa sedaj?

MSC157: Mislim, se da še naprej igrati?

KimJongUn: Zakaj mi piše, da sem na potezi?

KimJongUn: pa nisem.

KimJongUn: Ne vem.

MSC157: Jaz pa sploh nimam "Submit batna".

KimJongUn: Hahahah!

KimJongUn: Epic.



How many pages of the score sheet did you use?

Kens_Mom wrote:

How many pages of the score sheet did you use?

Hehe, if the game were real (face-to-face), we would spend about 7 sheets both I think :)


Collusion is against the rules and the spirit of the game.  I would not advertise it in case a moderator bans you.  And speak English, you crazy foreigners.

Here_Is_Plenty wrote:

Collusion is against the rules and the spirit of the game.  I would not advertise it in case a moderator bans you.  And speak English, you crazy foreigners.

But... even it's unrated?

Heh, do you want to see it in english? I can try to translate. :P


Nah, Im only teasing.  And I think it adds more character as it is.


It's not that great because you actually played to get a 500 move game.

If this game was the result of actual serious play, I would be amazed, but I'm not.

You could get a 600 move game with the same idea.

Repeating a position over and over is just pointless play.

Yereslov wrote:

It's not that great because you actually played to get a 500 move game.


Repeating a position over and over is just pointless play.

We wanted to play a 1000 move game, but there was a limit on at 500. It was my move but I didn't have "Submit move" button.

We repeated each position no more than once! :)