
Knight sac lead to victory

1. b2-b3 e7-e5
2. c1-b2 d8-f6
3. b1-c3 b8-c6
4. e2-e4 d7-d5
5. c3xd5 f6-d8
6. d2-d4 f7-f5
7. d4xe5 f5xe4
8. d5-f6+ g7xf6
9. e5xf6 a7-a5
10. f6-f7+ e8xf7
11. d1-h5+ f7-e6
12. f1-c4+ e6-d6
13. a1-d1+ d6-e7
14. h5-f7++
 If someone could PLEASE put this in an FEN format for me, it'd be highly 
appreciated.  I'm new here and not fully sure of how to do that stuff.  
The biggest mistake is when he doesn't act on my free pawn after I sac
my knight.  I just analyzed my position from there and set him up. 

1. b3 e5 2. Bb2 Qf6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. e4 d5 5. Nxd5 Qd8 6. d4 f5 7. dxe5 fxe4 8. Nf6+ gxf6 9. exf6 a5 10. f7+ Kxf7 11. Qh5+ Ke6 12. Bc4+ Kd6 13. Rd1+ Ke7 14. Qf7#

Thank you so much Don1.  Personally I think that from move 7 on it would make a good puzzle :)
when i first converted it i was wondering why 8 Nf6+, now that i look at it more deeply you may be right. i was thinking 9...Qxd1 10 Rxd1 Kf7 might be a strong defence, but 11 Bc4+ combined with the dark-squared B may still be winning for White, though the game could last a lot longer.

9. Qxd1 is winning for black


after 11. Bc4+ black only has to answer with Be6.

Etienne wrote:

9. Qxd1 is winning for black


after 11. Bc4+ black only has to answer with Be6.

yes i saw that, but if 12 Bxe6 Kxe6 13 f7 never mind 13...Nf6 answers the threats & the BK will win the f7-pawn. White will be down the eqivalent of 2 pawns. Etienne is correct, Black's winning.

Etienne wrote:

9. Qxd1 is winning for black


after 11. Bc4+ black only has to answer with Be6.

after another look i can't find a good answer to 12 Rd7+!! i believe RhinoFeeder has a brilliancy after all!!!

Don1 wrote: Etienne wrote:

9. Qxd1 is winning for black


after 11. Bc4+ black only has to answer with Be6.

after another look i can't find a good answer to 12 Rd7+!! i believe RhinoFeeder has a brilliancy after all!!!

 Thanks.  I bet I'd be better if I wasn't so impatient with the game.  I'm young though so it's natural.  haha.

Looking more at it, after I moved my pawn to f6, taking it with his horse probably would've stopped my checkmate and given him a possible fighting chance, with his queen still controlling that square.

even if 8...Nxf6 9 exf6 White has strong threats against the weakened K position.

i did find an improvement for Black in the other line: 9...Qxd1+!(necessary) 10 Rxd1 Nh6!(not the "natural" Kf7) 11 f7+ Nxf7 12 Bxh8 Nxh8 & the position is virtually even.

then i went back to 8...gxf6 here 9 Qh5+! looks very strong: 9...Ke7(forced) 10 Rd1 Bd7(Qe1? because of 11 exf6+ Nxf6 12 Bxf6+ Kxf6[forced] 12 Qxe1 winning the Q) 11 Bc4 threatening mate on f7 & mate in 2 after Bh3+. So you did have a win earlier in the line anyway.


Looking back on this game I've realized the usefullness of a fianchetto bishop.  I'm a huge fan of this opening now.

 What about 10... Ke7?  Would he be able to come back from the heavy material loss?

RhinoFeeder wrote:

Looking back on this game I've realized the usefullness of a fianchetto bishop.  I'm a huge fan of this opening now.

 What about 10... Ke7?  Would he be able to come back from the heavy material loss?

i wouldn't want to be Black, but it is better than the game continuation. White can trade Qs & take the R, & should be able to trade-off at least one of his Bs with a winning endgame.

RhinoFeeder wrote:

Looking back on this game I've realized the usefullness of a fianchetto bishop. I'm a huge fan of this opening now.

What about 10... Ke7? Would he be able to come back from the heavy material loss?

Still a fan?

