just resign...
Dude stalled for 6minutes in M2

I don't get what you're saying as I can't click the link. He stalled when he had mate in 2 and then mated you with 10 sec left?

Nah, i had mate in two, he could only delay it for one move by queen sacrifice. And in that position stalled for 6 minutes, and when there was 10 seconds left on the clock he did that sacrifice. I remember briefly looking when he had 1 minute left, assumed he wont come back and forgot about the game
https://ibb.co/b1jPXTp - final position if you dont see the game, i was black
EDIT: oh i see, there was no space after the link so it could have not worked

stuff like this should be recognized by system instantly
Not as easy as it sounds. It's difficult for computers to understand what an 'obvious' m2 situation is, and it has to be obvious because as a player there's lots of games I saw that I thought was mate in 2 or 3, used a ton of clock, then found an unintuitive move to save the game. If I did that in a position where there was no resource I'd be falsely flagged.
Obviously this guy here was baiting. You can report it and (hopefully) something will come of it, but considering people that don't do this are so much more common than the people that do, you'd need an insanely low false positive rate to flag these automatically.
Perhaps they could do "in a rapid game used >50% of the clock on a single move while in M3 or less, and moving with <20 seconds left", but anything less specific would probably result in too many false positives.

and yeah, i forgot about the game, he moved 10 sec before time limit
https://www.chess.com/game/live/127176594575 it was disgusting and i was indeed pissed off, stuff like this should be recognized by system instantly because what the hell is this
also for the record, so it's not totally irrelevant, it was rather good and fun game otherwise
Why didn’t you premove

Wait, so you stepped away from the game assuming that he would completely timeout then lost because he didn't timeout, played a move, and you never checked back on the game? You deserve to lose then, forgetting about the game is completely your fault.

6 minutes? BIG WHOOP! Try playing in an over the board event!
In September 2006, I was playing in the West Virginia State Championship. There was a fairly old man named Marvin Barker (now deceased). He was constantly looking at other games, trying to figure out the exact openings that everyone plays. It was a 6 round event, and I had White rounds 2, 5, and 6. I face this whacko in round 5, so he only saw 1 game of mine, but figured out after round 4 that we would face at the second board and I would have White.
In round 2, I played the Antoshin Variation of Bird's opening - 1.f4, 2.Nf3, 3.d3, 4.c3, and 5.Qc2, trying to get in e2-e4 in a single go. So I played a different line, knowing he would prep the Antoshin. I believe it was a Classical Bird (3.e3). He was unprepared, and had a pinned knight on f6 that could only be guarded twice and I had it attacked 3 times. In 23 moves, I am about to win a full piece. He had 37 minutes left. What does he do?
He stalls - 37 minutes on the clock, not 6. Even worse, with 18 minutes left, he walks up and writes 1-0 on the pairing sheet, but never acknowledges resignation. I get the director who lectures him for unsportsmanlike behavior and tells him he must resign immediately or erase the result. He erased the result, sits back down, and moves with 2 minutes left. Makes a couple more moves and resigns.
So you have a 35 minute stall. 6 minutes is nothing! What is worse, the following year (2007) at the Southwest Virginia Open, he sees me walk up to the registration desk and tells the director "Don't pair me against this [bleep], I will kill him!" (Referring to him threatening to kill me).
Talk about not taking a loss like a man.
I never ran into him again - THANK GOD! - and he died in the mid-2010s according to the USCF Website.
So next time, before you whine about a 6 minute stall by your opponent, realize it can be A LOT WORSE!

OMG 6 minutes??!!! you are so lucky!
Once I played an Online game with a time control of 5hrs + 3 min or something against a 2200 on lichess, which would be my best win - at 9:00 PM - yeah I know that was stupid because we were going to mate him in 2 moves, and guess what! he stalled for 4.5 hours!!!!! I fell asleep after 30 minutes, and my dad fell asleep after 3 hours - and, when we woke up, I opened the laptop, and we ran out of time!
To this day that is one of my worst memories in Chess.

Why didn’t you premove
because he could take or do any other move, and if i could premove either mate in one or that queen move and i was too baffled to do either.
I thought the game was active till somebody wins, loses,ties or the clock runs out. Am I wrong?
Bad sportsmanship - just accept you lost the game instead of going for such a low blow.
I thought i was coming back from a losing streak and i played quite a good game, it's not like i was never stalled by opponent, but this one felt particularly disgusting. Of course stakes were low and time control was minimal compared to your stories, but this one was surprisingly annoying.

Thank you for opinion, i wish you only this type of opponents who beat you fair and square by losing your time in hopeless positions.

Reporting was first thing i did, but still had no rank refund that's why im so ostentatious here
There will not be a rating refund. At least I never heard of such a case when it comes to stalling. They only do it when you lose the game against an opponent who used the engine (or if you play against allowed speedrun account).
As for reporting him, that was the right thing to do. Punishment can be anything from a simple warning to account closure, depending on his prior record.
My advice is that next time when this happens, be careful to not allow to be tricked like this. I am sorry this happened to you.
and yeah, i forgot about the game, he moved 10 sec before time limit
https://www.chess.com/game/live/127176594575 it was disgusting and i was indeed pissed off, stuff like this should be recognized by system instantly because what the hell is this
also for the record, so it's not totally irrelevant, it was rather good and fun game otherwise