


The reason I posted this game was not to introduce a new gambit, nor demonstrate some abstract chess concept.  
I posted the game because it shows that a comfortable attack is more than worth the gambited pawn at lower levels because of the increased number of blunders in tactical positions.  As long as you have a plan and stick with it, you can certainly win with only basic chess knowledge.

This resembles a reversed colors version of the wing gambit which starts 1. e4 c5 2. b4!? White doesn't get full compensation for the pawn, but a game with immediately open diagonals is not what black expected. Trying to run the gambit a tempo down is probably dubious.

Good analysis, I had meant to mention that myself about the wing gambit.

The pawn sacrifice is certainly dubious if not unsound... that's kinda why I posted this game...

White never had a chance to convert on that pawn.. so really, to the average player, you could say that the sacrifice was sound... not objectively but subjectively if you will.




Im new to chess if it's obvious sorry


Convenient, I just came up with a 'gambit'.

The Azaladza Defense. It's not a true gambit, black will win back the pawn, but you also win back the c-pawn in the Queen's Gambit.

The idea is putting a knight on c5 and using d6 to protect the square and a5 to prevent b4.

I want to clarify that I came up with the opening independently, and I am by farĀ not the first person to play it. I just thought c5 in a King's Indian, found the person that played it most, and named it after him.

Nice (actual) gambit though.


I've created this gambit : e4 e5 Ba6? . The worst move in the position. I only play it in bullet. I am 2-0-0 with it on lichess happy.png I herby declare it the "Ungimmicked gambit"

ungimmicked wrote:

I've created this gambit : e4 e5 Ba6? . The worst move in the position. I only play it in bullet. I am 2-0-0 with it on lichess I herby declares it the "Ungimmicked gambit"

Terrific king sacrifice thumbup


Theory on the Azaladza is still a bit underdeveloped so if anyone happens to have any ideas please go here.


I have a gambit but right now it can be stoped if your a higher level player so it has to be perfected yet


yes... under 2000, pretty much EVERYONE makes at least a couple inaccuracies or a blunder in almost every game. I view higher ratings not as "playing better" but as minimizing mistakes. one or two moves is all it takes to decide most games

in my very BEST win against a 2200 when I was still a mid 1400, i think, he traded down right away in the opening before ransacking my 0-0-0 with his queen until I finally found a square where he couldn't check me anymore to launch my own check on his king on the 4th rank with my rook, I believe, followed by a queen x ray on his 3rd rank rook. up a rook, he chased my queen all over until I decided to accept the trade and when I put my rook on e or f 8 to capture his queening pawn and/or block his king from mine, so jerkboy decided to log out and make me wait 8 minutes in a 10m for a win on time. OH I hate players who logout when they blunder!


Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack: Welsh Gambit

The idea is to have rapid development in exchange for a pawn. According to Stockfish, it's about as sound as the Englund. (The Englund is ~1.25 times as sound as it. There are worse gambits.)

Black's position is consistently better than Black's position if they had played the Caro-Kann.

1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Ra7 3. Nf3 b5 4. Bb3 Rb7 5. Ng5 Rb6 6. Bxf7#

Bishop-Knight Gambit


Scandinavian Centre Game, Accepted Nimzo-Indian Hyper-Multigambit.

ungimmicked wrote:

I've created this gambit : e4 e5 Ba6? . The worst move in the position. I only play it in bullet. I am 2-0-0 with it on lichess I herby declare it the "Ungimmicked gambit"

i created e4 e5 f4 exf4 nf3 g5 ba6?? gambit

Neil_FutureChessLegend wrote:

The King's Gambit accepted: The Piala Defense

This gambit invites Black to take the pawn early, aiming to disrupt their pawn structure and create weaknesses. After 7. Bxf4, White develops quickly while Black's queen is vulnerable and their king's side is exposed. The idea is to capitalize on Black's overextension, leading to aggressive counterplay.

Key Ideas
1.Focus on rapid development and control of the center.
2.Target weaknesses created by Blackā€™s pawn moves and exposed pieces.
3.Be prepared to exploit tactical opportunities that arise from Black's uncoordinated pieces.

This gambit is unique and allows for dynamic play, focusing on exploiting mistakes rather than just holding a defensive position.

This will never happen. 4...Qxd5 is far from being consistent, Black will play 4...Nf6 which is his choice in thousands of games.

The rest of your moves are sort-or-random as well, e.g. in the final position white can replace 7.Bxf4 with 7.Bd3 when Black is in grave trouble already. Nobody who is familiar with the chess principles will opt for winning a pawn with crap like ...Qa5 and ...Bb4 in such an open osition.


Not sure if this is written about, but a gambit for quick chess in the new 2.h4 line of the Modern. Maybe we call it White Gambit (for Black).

The idea is rapid development and to make h4 look like an awkward position for a pawn to be on.


Hi FM micwhite,

You can try this:

1. e4 g6 2. h4 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. Nc3

This brings your knight out, attacking the queen right away, forcing Black to move it again and giving you time to develop more pieces.


Hi @Neil_FutureChessLegend,

Indeed Nc3, in addition to Nf3, are many reasons as to why I advocate gambitting a pawn with 3. c6 for black!


this one is OP